Chapter 7

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In the middle of the song he heard a light knock on his door. His heart flew up to his throat as he quickly put his guitar in it's stand and walked over to the door. He took a deep breath, ran his hand through his hair and opened the door. He was met by a gorgeous looking, sparkly eyed, Sierra. Her hair was put up in a messy (but still beautiful) bun and she wore a t-shirt and yoga pants. Seeing her in these clothes and not the ordinary Starbucks uniform was very weird, but he found her style odd but adorable. In fact, he had never seen anyone looking better in yoga pants and an oversized t-shirt than Sierra. She shot him a smile and said:

- Good morning Raheem!

- Good morning Siruh; he smiled back and stepped aside to let her inside. Welcome to my flat.

- Well, some people say apartment, but okay.

Ramin was still extremely nervous, but somehow much of his nerves seemed to melt away by looking at Sierra. His gaze was fixed on her while she was taking her shoes off. She straightened up again and she met his gaze which made him blush and immediately turn away.

- So what are we gonna do? she asked skipping past him into the living room.

Well, she wasn't a shy person exactly. It surprised him that she acted as if she had been in his flat before, but it made him feel less nervous.

- Ummm, the theme for today was having a lazy day and just doing fun things.

- That sounds great! Oh, and by the way; she said and skipped past him again to the door. I actually guessed that, so I brought some things with me.

She walked up to him again but now holding a bag. She started digging in it and apparently found something because she said:

- Here you go!

In her hand she held a bag of crisps.

- Well, thank you! he said quite surprised.

- No, no. No thanking, I couldn't just come here and eating you out of the house without contributing with something myself.

She also dug out a bag of popcorn and a bag with candy. He thanked again and told her that she didn't have to bring all of that, but she just smiled and told him not to thank her. She had done all of this because she wanted to and not because she had felt obligated to do it and therefore no "thanks" was needed.

The first part of his to do list had succeeded, he and Sierra had had a great time and laughed a lot while playing different card games. He had also showed her a magic trick and her reaction was priceless. The trick was to make her choose a card and then put it somewhere in the deck of cards. Then the magic came and the card she had chosen was supposed to fly up to the top of the deck. Apparently, Sierra wasn't prepared for that because her chin was down at her feet when he showed her that her card was on top of the deck. After, she tried to force him to reveal how he did it, but his answer was:

- A magician never reveals his secret.

- Then I will force you to; she smirked and started to tickle him.

Unfortunately, he was very ticklish, and therefore he had a hard time trying to wriggle out of her grip. But, as fast a he was out of her grip he started to tickle her. Her laugh was one of the cutest things he had ever heard. How could a human being make such an adorable sound?

- Stop! she screamed in between her laughs.

- Never; he chuckled. You have to say the password.

- Well, if you don't stop I'll never make that cute little face of yours a coffee ever again; she smirked.

This caught him off guard. What did she just say? That his face was cute? He stopped tickling her and she sat up properly again. Did she really think he was cute? And was that even a good thing? Maybe that meant that she friend zoned him.

- So what to do now? she asked when she had caught her breath after the whole tickling session.

- Well, we could watch a movie, eat lunch, play games or whatever you wanna do.

- Well then, I'm starting to get hungry, so lunch sounds great.

- Then lunch it is; Ramin happily replied and they walked into the kitchen.

Sierra sat down on a chair at the table and Ramin walked over to the fridge taking out the prepared food and then carrying it over to the oven. It was weird, before she came he was very anxious about his flat not being perfect enough and that he was too poor, but now when Sierra was here he hadn't given it a thought. As if she could read his mind she said:

- Your apartment is very nice. Are you always this clean?

- Yeah, I like it when it's tidy; he replied as he sat down on the chair across Sierra.

- Oh, then you won't like my home. I'm not the very best at cleaning and adding to that I have two cats who spread hair all over the place.

Ramin's heart made a flip. She said that just like they would meet again at her place in the future. Did that mean something? Stop it Ramin! You'll only become disappointed.

- That's no problem, I don't mind untidy people; he smiled a little. And I love cats. What are their names?

- Celie and Olivia, I named them after the musical "the color purple".

They continued talking for a while until the timer rang and he had to take the food out of the oven. As he put the food on the table Sierra gave him a surprised look.

- Is this vegetarian?

- Of course, why would I make something with meat when I know that you don't eat it.

- Well, you didn't have to.

- I mean, you're like one of my best friends so...

Ramin didn't know if it only was the light but it looked like Sierra blushed quite deeply. Her face had a rather red tone and he couldn't help but a smile crept to his lips. To be honest Sierra was his best, and only, friend, but she didn't have to know that.

- Thanks, Ramin!

She stood up and walked over to the counter where Ramin was standing. Before he could ask why, she embraced him in a long and warm hug. At first, Ramin stood frozen to the ground. What was happening? This was the first hug they had shared and just over some vegetarian food. It didn't make sense in his head, but he quickly put his arms around her too so that she wouldn't think that he didn't want to hug her. With a racing heart he carefully inhaled her scent. He didn't really care if that was weird or not. She smelled shampoo and some kind of perfume he couldn't place. He felt the heat from her body through the fabric of his t-shirt and that was enough to make him want to pass out. It felt so good hugging her and even though it wasn't meant to be a romantic hug he totally acted as if it was. Slowly she let go of him, and knowing that it would be very weird if he continued hugging her when she let go of him, he forced himself to let go of her. He couldn't bare to look at her when she walked over to the table again, he didn't want her to see him blushing and he didn't want to see her reaction to the hug. What if he made her feel uncomfortable? He took out two plates, cutlery and two glasses from a cupboard and made the table. Carefully looking up to Sierra he saw her smiling. 

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