Chapter 10

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After about 20 minutes of Sierra practicing and Ramin helping her when she needed, she could kind of play it. Ramin felt like a proud mother, he had taught her to play her favourite song in only 20 minutes. The technique they used proved to be very good, and even though he sometimes had a hard time concentrating on helping her (because he realised how close their faces were) she quickly learned the song, and that felt very good. She now sat beside him playing the song, and yes, she made some mistakes, but they weren't very big. Suddenly she stopped playing and turned towards Ramin.

- Ramin, you know how to play this song, right?

- Yes, I do.

- And you like singing?

- Yes; he started to understand where this was going.

- Would you like to sing it for me? You can play the guitar by yourself too, of course; she gave him the biggest puppy eyes he had ever seen, and he definitely couldn't say "no".

- Well, okay; he smiled. But only on one condition.

She looked skeptically at him, but after a moment of silence she said:

- Okay?

- I will only sing if you sing too; he smirked.

Their eyes locked and he really took time to investigate her eyes. Her bright green eyes sparkled and there was something with them that made him never want to stop looking at them. She suddenly broke the eye contact and it looked as if she really looked at his face. Of course, he had to blush because of this, which she obviously noticed because she smiled a little and then said:

- Sure, if you sing the first verse. I can take the second then.

Ramin blinked, he had been in deep in thought, so when Sierra started talking he had snapped back to reality.

- Okay then; he said and took the guitar from Sierra.

He was just about to start playing when he realised that he was supposed to start singing at the same time he played the guitar. A wave of nervousness flooded over him and he suppressed the urge to barf. He took a deep breath, Sierra wanted to hear him sing, so she hopefully wouldn't judge him. Who was he trying to fool? He knew she would judge him, it's normal. Ramin! You have gone to musical theatre college, you know how to sing. And if you sing you will hear her sing; he told himself. In fact, the only reason he wanted to sing was to be able to hear her sing. Inhaling deeply again he started.

- The hills were alive with wild flowers and I, was as wild even wilder than they; he started, his voice surprisingly was not shaky. At least I could run they just died in the sun, and I refused to just wither in place.

During singing all of this he hadn't dared to look at Sierra, but now when the first verse was done he shyly looked up at her to see her reaction. Her reaction though, made him feel abashed. Sierra's mouth was hanging open, eyes as big as plates. He hoped that she liked his voice and was about to ask her what she thought when she quickly said:

- No, don't stop playing. Your voice is wonderful. Like literally, wow! You have an amazing voice Ramin. Continue singing, please.

He chuckled a little, but continued playing and started on the chorus.

- Just a wild mountain rose needing freedom to grow; he continued. So, I ran fearing not where I'd go-o-o. When a flower grows wild, it can always survive.

As he sang the end of the chorus, he heard Sierra joining in quietly. Therefore, he decreased his own volume and gave Sierra an encouraging look.

- Wildflowers don't care where they grow; they sang together.

Man, she's good; he thought to himself. I don't understand why she didn't wanna sing. Sierra isn't only beautiful like an angel, she also has the voice as one. Wow. He almost forgot to continue playing the guitar, so he tried to push away his feelings and just enjoying the moment. He didn't fail immensely, just failing quite much. However, he acted as if he didn't care and waited to hear Sierra's voice once more.

- And the flowers I knew in the fields where I grew, were content to be lost in the crowd; she sang looking a bit self-conscious, but still her voice didn't quiver at all. They were commonly close I had no room for growth and I wanted so much to branch out.

Ramin felt like a very bad singer compared to Sierra but he still wanted to join her to get the same reaction from her as he got the first time he sang. He knew it was a bit selfish, but her reaction boozed his self confidence and it made him want to sing again, if that even made sense. At last he decided to join her by singing in harmony.

- So I uprooted myself from my home ground and left, took my dreams and I took to the road-o-oad. When a flower grows wild, it can always survive. Wildflowers don't care where they grow.

He smiled at her and felt the tingling return to his body. This didn't feel real, this was almost too good to be true. Even though it only was in his mind, it felt like Sierra sat even closer to him than before, like much closer. Closer as in leaning against him. His body felt like it was on fire and he hoped that she didn't notice that he now was sweating like crazy out of nervousness.

- I grew up fast and wild and I never felt right, in a garden so different from me. I just never belonged I just longed to be gone so the garden one day set me free; they sang Ramin still just harmonising with her. I hitched a ride with the wind and since he was my friend I just let him decide where I'd go. When a flower grows wild it can always survive, wildflowers don't care where they grow.

It was only the last chorus left and Ramin didn't want to end the song at all. To hear her voice was like being in heaven and singing together was even better. But every fun occasion always have to end sooner or later.

- Just a wild rambling rose seeking mysteries untold, no regret for the path that I chose. When a flower grows wild, it can always survive. Wildflowers don't care where they grow.

- Wild flowers don't care where they grow; he let her finish by herself.

They looked each other deep in the eyes and he felt like an open book. If Sierra was alert she probably could understand in the way he looked at her that he was in love. There was no denying it now. However, it didn't seem like Sierra noticed,because she didn't say anything about it. She just sat there, still staring into his eyes, and if he wasn't out of his mind he saw something in her eyes.Something, an expression that was deep buried inside, but still was visible in her eyes. He didn't know what it was, but it made him curious. However, he had the brain to not ask her, even if he wanted to.    

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