Chapter 12

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They continued to talk, and Ramin learnt that Sierra also took vocal lessons when she was younger, but since she had two sisters her family didn't have the money to send her to college. That was why she was working at Starbucks, to save money to be able to go. She had started working as a cleaner in a hotel directly after high school, but she hated the job. So, after working there for almost 2 years she started applying for new working places and that's how she came to Starbucks. She also told him that it was hard saving money since she had many expenses, but that she had come a long way already. Personally, Ramin thought that she didn't have to go to college. Sierra already had the voice, and acting was easy to learn.

After a while Sierra needed to use the bathroom, so now Ramin was sitting alone by the kitchen table. Sierra was only two years younger that him, that wasn't much. She could still fall in love with him, right? Was he creepy by thinking these things? She wasn't an object that he could take, she was an actual human being with thoughts and feelings. In fact, she was the most beautiful, nicest, funniest, smartest and overall the most wonderful human being he had ever met. Her eyes that shone when their eyes locked, her red cheeks each time he complimented her or when they locked eyes, and her beautiful face that always brightened up his days and that made his stress and bad feelings melt away.

What if she didn't feel the same for him as he felt for her? She probably didn't, he was just some random guy she had met at Starbucks. A guy who became her friend, but not her love interest. Why did he even hope? Hope wouldn't do him any good. Talking about Sierra, where was she now? She had been gone for at least 5-6 minutes. Well, he didn't have anything to do with what she did in the bathroom, that was her business, not his. Still, she had been gone for quite some time. He decided to sit down in his living room to wait for her in there instead. His butt had started to ache a bit from sitting still on his kitchen chair for so long. It would be more comfortable for Sierra too, to sit in a couch instead of his kitchen chair. He stood up and made his way to the living room.

However, when he entered the living room he stopped dead in his tracks. Sierra was standing by his bookshelf looking at a paper he had forgotten to hide. A paper he didn't want anyone to see, especially not her. She probably didn't notice that he had entered because she was still reading on the paper, a cute smile visible on her lips. What was he supposed to do? Should he tell her everything or just act as if it was written for someone else? He took a step closer to her and she looked up.

- Oh, sorry Ramin! I didn't mean to read this paper, it poked out and I wondered what it was. I'm so sorry, please don't be angry.

She looked really nervous, as if he would get mad because she read it. Sure, he was a little angry because she wasn't supposed to see it, but she shouldn't be scared of him. Mad wasn't really the right word, he was more uncomfortable with her reading it. A smile crept to his lips, he couldn't get mad at her how hard he ever tried.

- It's okay, I'm not angry. Why would I be?

An expression of relief spread on her face which quickly switched to curiousness. A little unsure smile appeared on her lips.

- But who is the person you are writing about?

His face immediately became very warm, he had almost forgotten that she had read the lyrics to his song about her. What should he say? Even if he in one way wanted to tell her he couldn't, he didn't dare risking their friendship. Was there a way to know if she liked him before he told her about his feelings? He couldn't lie either, it wouldn't be right to lie to her.

- Well, it's a girl I like; he felt stupid saying this, it was so obvious.

- But who is she? she pushed.

Should he tell her? How would she react? And why was she so keen to know who it was?

- Ehum, it's a girl that I met quite recently actually, or yeah. I met her like a month ago, but she probably doesn't like me. She probably just sees me as a friend.

Ramin couldn't decide whether Sierra looked sad or troubled, as if she wondered if he actually meant her. He shouldn't have said this, what if he now destroyed their relationship?

- Could you play it for me? she asked out of the blue.

Ramin didn't really want to do it, it felt as if she would understand what he felt for her. However, he wanted to sing it for her just because he wanted to tell her without her understanding it.

- Sure; he said and picked up his guitar.

He sat down on the couch and she sat down beside him. Quickly he checked the pitch so all the strings sounded okay and then with a shaky hand he started playing.

- Never thought I'd find the light again, become lost in the dark and rain. And those skies, they soon would clear. In my life, now you're here.

He and Sierra had now locked eyes. A smile had crept to her lips and he felt his body relax a little. He hoped that her reaction meant that she approved his song, and that meant a lot. Taking a deep breath, he started on the chorus.

- Why am I falling, falling in love with you tonight? Why am I dreaming, dreaming that we could turn out right? I can't even resist, feel I only exist in your arms, in your arms.

Their eyes were still locked, and Sierra's eyes twinkled. Ramin could sit here forever and he felt so happy that he still had a lot of the song left.

- Close the door on what I used to be. Make it all a distant memory. Lost myself in the night, but those wrongs you made right. Why am I falling, falling in love with you tonight? Why am I dreaming, dreaming that we could turn out right? I can't even resist, feel I only exist in your arms, in your arms.

Ramin felt like an open book. If Sierra only listened to how he sang the song she would understand his feelings for her. He sang with such emotion.

- You put your faith into my name. Healing me to love again. Why am I falling, falling in love with you tonight? Why am I dreaming, dreaming that we could turn out right? I can't even resist, feel I only exist in your arms, in your arms. Why am I falling? Why am
I falling, falling in love with you tonight?

He ended the song and sent her a small smile. The response he got was nothing of what he had expected. Silent tears streamed down her cheeks and an enormous smile on her face. Ramin didn't know how to take this response. Did she like it? Did she not? His heart started to race, was she sad?    

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