Chapter 8

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After the lunch the clock was somewhere around 2, and both felt like it was too early to watch a movie. Ramin felt a little panicked because his list of things to do was starting to decrease and soon they were out of things to do. Just the thought of Sierra being bored when she was around him made him feel horrible. If that ever happened, he would be a terrible host and his chances on her would disappear. Luckily, Ramin came up with the idea that they could bake something to eat while watching the movie. Sierra happily agreed on that while she told him how much she loved to bake. This made Ramin feel a 100 times better.

They decided to make cupcakes because Sierra wanted to, and Ramin wanted whatever she did. At first, they actually tried to follow the recipe as serious adults, but it quickly escalated into a food war. It all started with Sierra asking for the sugar but instead of giving it to her he threw some at her, because why not? She responded with throwing flour at him and then it was all started. They ran around the small kitchen throwing cupcake mixture and other things they found at each other, laughing like maniacs. However, all fun always comes to an end, and their war came to an end when Sierra almost slipped on some of the mixture. Luckily, (both for her but also for Ramin) Ramin quickly ran up to her and caught her before she hit the floor. They ended up with their faces too close to each other, if he leaned an inch forward their noses would touch. Slowly, Sierra raised her hand up to Ramin's face and put it on his cheek. His heart immediately flew up to his throat beating wildly but instead of doing what he wanted (to lean in and kiss her) he slowly lifted her up to her feet and let go of her. Sierra awkwardly took her hand off his cheek and thanked him for catching her blushing slightly. Ramin's cheek was still tingling from her touch and he couldn't supress a big smile.

- No problems; he dreamily said.

They started cleaning up but childish as they were, when one was faced the other way they threw mixture filled paper pieces on each other. Even though they low key had a food war they were after some time done cleaning the kitchen and they quickly finished the cupcakes.

When the cupcakes were in the oven they really had time to look at themselves and at each other. They literally looked like shit. Their hair was filled with cacao, flour and sugar and their clothes were covered with God knows what. Looking at Sierra Ramin felt horrible, he had destroyed her clothes with cupcake mixture.

- Ramin, we look like crap; Sierra laughed.

- I know, I'm so sorry Sie! I didn't mean to destroy your clothes.

- It's okay, if I thought it wasn't okay I wouldn't continue the war, right?

Sierra was always so nice. This made him feel a little better, but he still felt guilty. The cupcakes were supposed to be in the oven for 8 minutes, so they didn't have time to shower and change clothes before the cupcakes were done. Therefore, Ramin thought it was a brilliant idea to tickle Sierra to death. Both because he didn't have anything to do but also because he loved her laugh. Actually, it was mainly because he loved her laugh. Was that creepy? Anyway, he ran up to her, took a firm grip around her waist and carefully put her down to the ground. Sierra was caught off guard and luckily didn't move, she only gave him a very surprised look. Then he straddled over her belly and pinned her hands over her head with one hand and tickled her with the other. She tried to wriggle out of his grip but he held her tight. He couldn't resist laughing when she did, her laugh was magical in that way. However, he had barely started tickling her when the timer signaled that the cupcakes were ready to be taken out of the oven.

After applying the frosting on the cupcakes and finishing with some sprinkles they were done with the baking and Ramin felt like they maybe should change clothes.

- Sie, I think it's maybe time to take a shower and change clothes.

- Yes; she smiled but her expression quickly changed to an "oh no"-expression. Ramin....

- Yes?

- I don't have any clothes to change to...

Ramin felt himself smile. That was the last problem he could think of. He had thought it was something like she didn't want to stay or that she had forgotten to tell him that she had to go early.

- It's totally okay, you can borrow clothes from me, if it's okay?

- Oh, thank you! But is it okay for you? I mean, that I borrow your shower and then your clothes?

A shy expression appeared on her face and his smile grew even wider. He probably looked like a frog, but he couldn't care less.

- Of course, it's okay. That is the least thing I can do for you. So, follow me here to find clothes for you.

They went into his bedroom and he opened his closet. Ramin loved fashion and clothes which meant that he didn't have that much cosy clothes. Well, he didn't have much fancy clothes either because of his budget, but the clothes he had were more formal. Because of this, Sierra got one of his last t-shirts and a pair of sweat pants.

- Is this okay? he asked while turned around holding the clothes out to her.

- Sure. Where is the bathroom?

- It's through the kitchen to the left, where the entrance is, you know? he pointed towards the bathroom. And towels are in the drawer beneath the sink.

- Thanks; she replied and walked away.

Ramin went into the kitchen to wash all the dishes from when they baked and from the lunch. He heard how Sierra started the shower from inside the bathroom and he had to force himself to not think about her showering in the same shower he used daily. Trying to not think about Sierra he started washing the dishes and tried to let all his thought follow the water down through the pipes. However, this didn't work because everything he thought of somehow always connected with Sierra. Therefore, after a while he just stopped trying and let all thoughts just flow over him.

After about ten minutes Sierra came out of the bathroom, hair dripping and his clothes on. When she saw him, she smiled at him and walked up behind him and hugged him from behind, resting her head on his shoulder. Ramin didn't know if he should die right on the spot or do a happy dance. With a racing heart he inhaled deeply and said:

- I see you're done.

- Yup; she said popping on the "p".

- Well, then I'll take a shower now, if it's okay?

- Of course; she said and let go of him.

He resisted the urge to tell her to not stop hugging him while he shot her a smile and walked to the bathroom. Well in the bathroom, the thought that Sierra might be bored while he showered appeared in his head and therefore he hurried to step into the shower. As the hot water streamed over his body he suddenly realised one thing. In all hurry to shower fast he had forgotten to take out clean clothes from his bedroom... Well, now what? He tried to finish showering quickly but found himself thinking that Sierra had used his shampoo and shower gel while she was in here and therefore he treated them like they were holy. 

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