Chapter 11

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After finishing "wildflowers", they decided that it was time to watch a movie before dinner. It was around 4, so it was still kind of early to watch a movie, but since Ramin was starting to panic because a lack of other things to do he insisted to watch a movie. Their next problem was choosing a movie. Ramin didn't really know what Sierra liked to watch, and the thought that he would choose a movie by himself was outrageous.

- So, Sie, what do you wanna watch?

- I don't really know.

- What do you like watching? he tried.

She thought for a second and then was about to say something when she suddenly changed her mind. Then, it seemed like she considered saying it anyway.

- Well; she said timidly. I like watching movie musicals, you know like Funny Girl.

Her cheeks got a little pink tint and Ramin felt like hugging her. She was too cute for her own good.

- I like musicals, but I haven't really watched any movie musicals. But I don't see why not? he smiled.

- You like musicals?

- Yes, I do; he said, thinking about telling her of his failed carrier as an actor but decided to not do it.

- Do you like "Phantom of the Opera"?

- Yes! It's my favorite! I've watched it at least 25 times.

This wasn't a lie. He loved phantom with all his heart. It was the first musical he had ever seen and that had made him want to become an actor. When he still lived with his family, he would force his parents to go watch Phantom with him in their hometown in Canada, so 25 times was a minimum. Nowadays, he never could afford watching Phantom because his lack of money, but he was saving a little money to soon be able to watch it.

- Wow, Phantom is my favourite musical too. I heard that they made a it into a movie musical 2004, should we watch it? she asked.

- Yes, that sounds great, if you want to?

- I wouldn't have asked otherwise; she laughed as Ramin started searching for the movie on Netflix.

It didn't take long for him to find it, so they quickly brought the cupcakes from the fridge to the couch to have as snacks. Then they made themselves comfortable in the couch as the movie started. To make themselves comfortable meant that Ramin had his arm around Sierra's waist and her head rested against his shoulder. How this happened, he had no idea, however, he had the time of his life. His heart was up in his throat, beating too fast for its own good, making bruises on his inside. He also felt that his face was uncomfortably hot. He felt lucky that the movie was on though, because Sierra had her attention focused on it and didn't notice his beet red face.

It turned out that the movie wasn't very good. Well, it couldn't be bad because it was Phantom. However, according to them the actors didn't sing very well, and their voices didn't have much emotion. And because the voices and emotions are important in a musical and especially a musical like Phantom, they were quite disappointed. The only thing that made the movie really worth watching was that because both loved the musical, they were able to quote like every line and sing along to every song throughout the movie. So, even if the movie wasn't great the whole movie experience was.

His favorite song to sing with her was "The Point of no Return". Sierra sang this song more beautiful than anything he had heard her sing before, and he felt like this song sounded good when he sang it too. He knew that it was kind of wrong to like to sing that song with her, thinking about what it is about, but "The Phantom's" part in this song described what he wanted. It was still wrong though, he should stop thinking about it, but once a thought is planted inside your head it's impossible to get rid of it.

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