Chapter 13

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A/N: Hi guys! Sorry for the late updates, both on this fanfic and "I Don't Have a Choice But I'd Still Choose You". We promise, we finish the stories before we start posting s both are done, it's just that since we are busy writing another one (which we've already announced on our new instagram @rierra4real so please follow!) we've completely forgotten to post here. We're so sorry! Well, this is the last chapter for this fanfic, so thanks to all of you who have read it and voted. We love all the response we have gotten both here and on the other fanfic. We're not going to keep you waiting anymore, here you go; the last chapter! <3 

- Sie, how are you? he asked nervously.

A little laugh escaped her lips and she smiled even more.

- I'm very fine, it's just your song. It was SO good! Are you serious that you wrote it yourself?

Pride filled his chest and he sat up straighter. She liked his song! The song he had written for her!

- Yes, I did; he smiled widely.

- You're an amazing musician, Ramin; she said and then looked down at her knees, becoming very quiet.

What just happened? Why did she become so silent? Was it something he did? She wiped away her tears, still not looking up at him.

- So, do you like someone? he asked, trying to break the building silence.

She looked caught off guard and her cheeks got a tint of pink.

- Oh, ehhh, there's a guy actually; she said looking him deep in the eyes.

- Really? Who is it?

His stomach dropped. To be honest he didn't want to know who it was, he didn't want to hear her saying that she liked someone else than him. Still, he wanted to know if she maybe, just maybe, liked him, even if that was impossible.

- A guy I met at work.

Ramin wasn't sure he wanted to know more but his mouth just continued speaking.

- Do I know him?

- Yes, you could say that you do.

Now he really didn't want to know but still his mouth said things he didn't want it to say.

- Describe.

- Well; she said and blushed even more. He has the most beautiful brown eyes, a warm smile, cute dimples and a very handsome face. He... he has the cutest personality and is very funny. He... is in fact my best friend.

This description could fit into almost everyone, but still it sounded so familiar. Even if he wanted it to be him and even though the description sounded just like him he couldn't let himself believe that she meant him. Sierra's face was very red, and she looked somewhat sad.

- However, I know he doesn't like me; she continued. I now know he likes another girl and that I have no chance whatsoever.

- Sie, you shouldn't say that. How do you know that he doesn't like you?

He didn't understand how someone could be able to not like Sierra. She was the sweetest, nicest and most beautiful girl he had ever met.

- He told me that he likes another girl.

- Do you know who she is?

- No.

- I promise you, if I ever get to know who this guy is, I'll go to him and make him understand that you are the kindest, sweetest and most wonderful girl there is on this world.

She giggled a little and her face that just recently had been more skin coloured became beet red again. Suddenly she looked down at her knees, a sad expression spread over her face. He tilted her head up with his index finger and gave her an encouraging smile. Her big green eyes looked into his and she gave him a weak smile.

- I don't think he sees that I like him, he's kind of blind. And he's also kinda serious with this girl.

- What do you mean by serious?

Even though he knew that she didn't like him and that this douche bag she liked apparently didn't like her, he would do anything for her, even if that meant that he had to make the guy she liked like her back. Sierra looked up at him hesitantly, as if she scanned his face, sighed and then looked as if she made a big decision. Would she tell him who she liked? He wasn't ready for this, but if she felt ready he wouldn't let his silly feelings stand in the way.

- Well, you're gonna know who he is now, but he has even written a song for her, and if that's not serious I don't know what is; she laughed bitterly but looked very nervous.

Wait for a second, what did she just say? The guy she likes has written a song about the girl he likes. He also has dimples and brown eyes. This couldn't be true; did she really like him? The description was very alike how he was, but was it possible that she liked him? He looked at her and she quickly looked down at her hands. If he wasn't completely wrong, she looked scared. Why on earth would she be scared? But if she liked him, that would explain why she looked uncomfortable when he said he liked a girl. He had no idea what to do. What if he told her that he liked her, and she didn't like him? He tilted her head up again with his left hand and their eyes locked. There was something in her eyes, a little sparkle in them. Without thinking he did something he had wanted to do for so long, he slowly leaned in and at last connected their lips.

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