Ticci Toby X Suicidal! reader

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*if you are feeling suicidal, please get help. And remember, you are loved!*

Your POV:
I've been hearing voices in my head for the past few months now. They've been telling me that I should end it and that I'm hated. I try not to listen to them but sometimes I believe them.

I've never harmed myself though. But today the voices were especially bad.

I look from the top of the stairs and see Toby talking to Clockwork. Did I mention I live in the Slender mansion? One of my powers is that my eyes change color depending on what mood I'm in. Blue for sad, yellow for happy, ect.

However, I've learned to change this when needed, or basically to hide my pain on the inside.

I make sure to change my eyes to yellow to make it seem as if I'm perfectly fine. As I'm walking down the stairs I noticed Clockwork is flirting with him, and he's acting as if he doesn't care at all.

After seeing this I turn around to go upstairs, meanwhile the voices in my head are going crazy.

See, he doesn't love you back. Otherwise he wouldn't let Clockwork flirt with him. And also; You should just end it, nobody would care. He especially wouldn't.

I walk back upstairs as calm as possible, holding back tears in my eyes.

Toby's POV:
I'm standing here talking to Clockwork while she's flirting with me. Doesn't she get it? I don't like her!

I'm just ignoring her flirting when I see y/n out of the corner of my eye, so I turn my head in her direction just a little so she doesn't notice.

She stopped when she seen me and Clockwork. Her eyes went from yellow to... Blue? Her eyes only change to blue when she's sad. Why would she be sad? Is it... No it can't be that. She turns around and walks back upstairs. I need to ask her.

"Hey, I h-have to use the bathroom. I'll be r-right back!" I lie.

"Ok! I'll be right here!" She responds and I head upstairs. Finally, I can leave without her following me like a lost puppy! Man she so gullible sometimes!

Clockworks POV:
"Hey, I h-have to use the bathroom. I'll be r-right back!" Toby says cheerfully. "Ok! I'll be right here!" I tell him. Since he's going to the bathroom I won't follow him. He then heads upstairs.

About a minute goes by before I realize something. Wait a minute, there is a bathroom right around the corner! Where is he going?!?!

I then head upstairs to find him.

Your POV:
I get back to my room and shut the door just before I break down crying, the voices are still going haywire in my head. I finally decide to do it.

Creepypasta X Reader/Creepypasta One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now