E.J. X Reader

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*A/N: lol about half way through the story (the first hallway part) I'm just like 'how am I going to end this and make it an X Reader' well I figured out something I guess XP *

Y/N's POV:
Welp. This is it. I look at the directions on my phone. It doesn't look like a place to donate organs. (That sounds weird lmao) It looked REALLY shady.

The "Hospital" (anyone else getting Dr. Smiley vibes right about now?) Looked old and run down. Almost downright abandoned looking. I'm going to regret this. I thought as I walked through the doors.

The inside definitely looked better than the outside. But one red flag about the inside was that there wasn't many people, and of the people that went in the rooms with the "doctors" most didn't come out.

That doesn't look like a good sign. I'll just turn around and go back to my car, they probably haven't noticed me yet.

"Hello Mr./Ms. L/N! You're right on time for your appointment with Dr. Jack! Please, come sit in the waiting room." A desk lady said.

Oh crud! Why me?! I DON'T WANT TO DIE TODAY!!! "Oh! I um... Forgot my paperwork! It's in my car! Just let me go get it real quick." I turn around and take a few steps before being interrupted again.

"Oh nonsense! All the paperwork you need is right here!" She states cheerfully and points twords the desk in front of her. "Oh, well then." I think up another lie to try to escape this place. "I actually also wanted to grab my water from my car as well."
"We have bottles of water right over here, free of charge too!" She replies, determination written all over her face and voice.

Uggh! What don't they have! It's like she knows I'm gonna try to leave. Weird. I walk over to the desk, to grab the paperwork and bottle of water, in defeat. She smiles in triumph (In case you don't know what that means, it means victory. I like the sound of triumph in the sentence better. Me and my "fancy" words, lol) as she hands me the paperwork.

I go sit in the waiting room filling out the sheet of paper, when I hear someone call my name. "Mr./Ms. L/N?" I sigh and look up. Today its the day I'm gonna die! And I'm only 20! (Just role with the it or change it yourself, I based the age off of E.J.'s story (he's a college student))

I look up and see a guy with sunglasses on and very dark skin that almost looked... gray?

Yep. I'ma die today. But he is kinda cute.

"That would be me." I say standing up. "Hi I'm Dr. Jack. And it appears you have an appointment for," he looks at his clipboard, "a kidney donation." I SWEAR I saw him drool a little.(Note: E.J.'s mask is off but he has on sunglasses and a hood. The hood comes out from under his doctor coat thingy)

Yep. By a cannibal.

"That's Correct." I state, a little nervousness in my voice. "Right this way." And I hesitantly follow him as he leads me down a hallway and then into a room.

Creepypasta X Reader/Creepypasta One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now