Hoodie X Bullied! Self Harm! Reader

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Y/n's POV:
There I am, sitting under a tree behind the slender mansion. I've been here for a couple hours now, hoping they don't find me. I'm cutting my wrists a little, with a small razor I hide, embracing the pain.

I've been here for about a year, and everyone hates me except for Hoodie. He's the one who brought me here.

I don't really know why he hangs out with me. Maybe he feels sorry for me, I don't know! And it hurts my brain just thinking about it.

Slender probably forces him to hang out with me. But I don't want to ask because I'm afraid,

Afraid I'll be right.

Afraid he'll leave me to deal with the bullies alone.

With nothing to look forward to.

The main bullies are Jeff, LJ, and BEN. they like to make my life miserable. Everyone else just ignores me, except Hoodie.

I don't exactly know why but I'm almost immune to emotions by now.

Except fear, and love.

I'm so lost in thought that I don't hear footsteps behind me until I'm grabbed.

"Hey sexy~" BEN says as he picks me up by the collar of my shirt. Jeff and LJ come around the tree.

"We've been looking for you, shitface!" Jeff screams at me. "What do you guys want now?" I whisper-cry.

"Don't talk back to us!" LJ snaps.
"S-sorry!" I whimper. BEN smacks me, "And don't talk unless we tell you, or it'll just get worse for you! Understand?" I nod my head up and down.

"So what should we do with her now?" BEN smirks pinning me to tree. "Not that ya stupid elf! She doesn't deserve it!" Jeff yells at him. "Yeah, you're right." LJ says.

"Uggh, fine!" He let's go of me, I breath a sigh of relief. Until,


He punches me in the face l, leaving me with a black eye. I can't help but to start crying a little, but still not making a lot of noise.

"Shut up you big crybaby!" Jeff yells as he smacks me across the cheek. That shut me up real well.

LJ decides to join in this time, as he usually just watches (and silently cheers on) BEN and Jeff. He punches me in the stomach and I groan and cough.

BEN whispers to Jeff, "I'm gonna try something...*whispers more*" just audible enough for me to hear. "Go right ahead," Jeff smirks. I'm scared I know know what he's planning.

He pins me up against the tree again and starts to lick and kiss my neck. He finds a spot and a new feeling shoots through me.

I make a sound I didn't know I was capable of making, BEN smirks and Jeff smacks me for making a sound.

BEN starts to kiss, suck, and bite at that same spot. I don't know why, but it felt so good! I threw my head back a little while trying not to make those noises I previously made.

He then starts to bite at it really hard, and now it just hurts. I grimace and hold back a scream. It hurt a lot.

What is he doing to me? I ask myself

BEN starts to bite down really really hard. I scream a little receiving a hard blow to my crotch from BEN with his knee, AND a smack from Jeff.

BEN finally stops biting my neck and just licks it some more. He finally lifts his head up, he licks his lips a little, "my my Y/n, your blood tastes so sweet, and I've never been one for the taste of blood. I wonder how you taste... Down here~" he lifts his knee to my crotch and my eyes widen a little at the thought of that, and that he drew blood.

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