Hoodie x Masky x Toby

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*A/n: this will be a continuation of Masky x Toby, kinda

Hoodie's POV:
It's getting kinda late and I'm watching TV in the living room when all of a sudden I hear banging footsteps. I turn around to find exactly what I expected.

Masky's chasing Toby around.

I hear the slam of the front door. I better go follow them so Masky doesn't kill Toby. I sigh and walk outside. Bad decision.

I walk out the door and follow the crunching of leaves and twigs from under their footsteps. I follow them. Masky's gone and Toby us just standing there looking around. I hide behind a bush.

All of the sudden, Masky leaps onto Toby. I get ready to jump out when I hear Toby say, "P-pl-please don't k-kill m-me! I-I'm sorry f-for a-annoying you s-so much t-today! I-I w-won't annoy y-you for th-the r-rest of th-the w-week, j-just please d-don't k-kill me!"

I stop myself when Masky replies, "I'm not going to kill you Toby!" "Y-your not?" Toby asks. "No I'm not." "then w-why w-were y-you chasing m-me?!" "Because I wanted to tell you something." What the hell does MASKY want to tell Toby?!

"Oh. W-what d-did you want t-to tell m-me?" Toby asks hesitantly. "I wanted to tell you this," Masky tells him and then... he kisses him?!?

WTF. Masky... is kissing TOBY?! That's... But why?! Masky doesn't like Toby like that... Does he?!?

They make out for the next couple of minutes while I watch in awe.

I never thought Masky liked Toby! I mean, I knew he didn't like me back but Toby?!? That's that last person anyone would have expected!

Finally, Masky stops sucking Toby's face off, "that's what I wanted to tell you." He says. Masky gets off Toby and Toby cuddles up to him, "I love you too Masky." Toby tells Masky without stuttering.

I wanted to die almost. I couldn't believe it, I couldn't believe this was actually happening.

What did I just witness?

*Time skip a few weeks*

Masky's POV:
Hoodie's been acting strange lately. Ever since Toby and I started dating he's been keeping his distance.

I don't think it has anything to do with Toby and I because we haven't told anyone we're dating yet, especially Hoodie.

I would feel bad if I were to tell him. I would because I love him too. But I feel bad not telling him cus he's my best friend.

I've talked to Toby about this and he said he wouldn't mind if we were all a couple. He actually said he thinks Hoodie is pretty cute, which I agree to.

So I walk into the kitchen to get something to eat, and in the kitchen is Hoodie. "Hey Hoodie." I tell him. "H-hi" he responds hesitantly.

Hoodie then gets up to leave, "where are you going?" I question him. "Oh, uh, I h-have stuff to do" Hoodie replied.

Sure ya do

"Ok then, see you later." "See ya,"

I'm tired of this shit. This shit happens all the time. I'm gonna go talk to him about it later.


I go up to Hoodie's room and I knock on the door. He responds with a, "come in," and I enter.

"Hey Hoods." I tell him. I enter his room and shut the door. "O-oh, hey Masky." He says kinda unenthusiastically. "Ok, now what the hells going on." I ask bluntly.

"N-nothing! Why?!" "Oh only cus you've been avoiding me!" "N-no I haven't!" "Yes you have!" "No!" "Yeah!" "Don't try and lie about it Hoodie!" "I-I'm not!" "Is this about Toby and I dating?" "No it isn't!" "How do you know we're dating?! We haven't told anyone!" "I didn't!" Then how come you said-" "fine! Alright?! It is!" Hoodie said angrily.

"I was sitting on the couch when you ran out after him. I obviously thought you were gonna kill him so I followed you two, and I wish to Zalgo I didn't! I seen you two making out and heard what you two said. It broke my heart a bit, because I love you! Ok? I do! I know this is a lousy time to tell you, but I do! And I can't carry it on my shoulders any more, I need to let it go!"

I was kinda surprised, not really. "You see Hoodie, I love you too." "No you don't, you love Toby! You're just trying to make me feel better!" "Honest Hoodie, honest!" "Then what about Toby?" "I love you both! I've even talked to Toby about this and he supports the three of us." "He does?" Hoodie asked. "He does."

"If you don't believe me we can go ask him." "No, I believe you." "Good," I say. I take off my mask and smile and then take of his mask. He smiles back at me and I kiss him. He kisses back and the kiss is slow but sweet. Toby walks into the room and kisses us both.

*A/n!: about 865 words! So a couple things. I've decided since its summer time that if I have a story done I'll post it instead of waiting a week. But I'll try to have out at least one story per week. Sorry this weeks is late but I was kinda busy and when I did have time I didn't know what to write so I forced myself to finish the last little bit today and it turned out better than expected. As always, thanks for reading! REQUESTS ARE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED! Thanks! <3

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