Sally X Female! Proxy! Reader

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*A/n: I'm gonna kinda have it be like a motherly love!*

Suggested by @ImHerCousin
Cool name btw

Y/n POV:
I'm getting dressed in my f/c shirt and some black pants and a zip up hoodie. I feel like going for a morning kill, so I grab my knife and other weapons cus you never know what you'll want to use!

Its only about 7:35 when I go downstairs and into the kitchen and see Toby making some waffles.

"Hey Toby!" I say, "can I have a couple?" He looks at me and is blushing like an idiot when he replies, "o-oh, hey Y-Y/n! Su-re!"

Now I've known he likes me for a while cus it's kinda obvious, but I don't like him back like that. (Don't worry its not another Ticci Toby X Reader!)

I sit at the table and wait for him to finish making the waffles and he does. We talk and eat. I do the dishes.

"Well thanks Toby, I'm gonna go out for a kill. See you later!" I tell him. "Ok-k, see y-yo-u l-later, Y-Y/n!" He always gets so nervous around me. I don't know. I go out for the kill I wanted.

*one hour later*

I come back, covered in blood, and see Sally in the living room with Charlie.

"Hi Y/n!" Sally says super excitedly. "Hi Sally!" "Wanna have a tea party?" Sally asks, big puppy dog eyes pointed at me. Of course, I couldn't say no!

"Sure Sal! Just let me go get cleaned up first." I say. "YAAAY!!" She says, bouncing up and down excited. I laugh a little.

I go change and and come back downstairs, just as Slender pops in my head. "Y/n, I have a mission for you, and Toby." He says. Aw come on! I just got cleaned up! "Sorry but it's urgent. There's someone in the woods looking for the mansion and I need you and Toby to go deal with it."

Ok, I'll go, not like I have a choice. I think in my head. "Great, thanks. Toby's at the door waiting for you!"

I go tell Sally I have to go do something. "But Y/n! Our tea party!" She says. I feel bad. "I know but Slendy asked Toby and I to do something urgent. We can do it when I get back!"

"Ok, fine!" She says pouting. "I'll be back soon!" I tell her. Sometimes I feel like Slender is on Toby's side...

I go out in to the hallway to go downstairs when suddenly...

A wild BEN pops out!

"Hey Y/n, wanna go play some... ~games;)" he says. I don't feel like listening to this sh*t from him today! Why do the guys like me?!

"BEN, I'm not listening to this right now, I'm busy. If you want to walk away unharmed, then leave me alone." I tell him warningly.

"Oooo, feisty today! I like that~" he says wrapping an arm around me. I pull out my knife and say, "BEN, I'm tell-" "LEAVE HER ALONE!"

oh god, really?! Toby's standing at the top of the stairs, a few feet away, with both hatchets pulled out and royally pissed off.

BEN let's go of me, "Oh yeah! You wanna go Ticky boy? She's mine!" Why tf am I always in the middle of this sh*t?!


That shuts them both up. BEN looks at me in awe and Toby looks at the ground and puts his hatchets away. "Now I don't like to yell, but you both pissed me off. Toby, we have a mission to do."

Toby squeaks out an 'I'm sorry' before I drag him out the door.

*2 hours later*

I'm back and heading to Sally's room. I'm clean cus Toby killed the person, taking out his anger from BEN, before I could even reach them.

I get to Sally's room and she has everything set up for the tea party. "What took you so long Y/n?!" She asks impatiently. "BEN and Toby got in a little fight before I left." I told her.

"Oooo! Tell me!" She asks with her big puppy dog eyes. So I vaguely tell her about what happened while we have our tea party.

"Y/N'S GOT A BOYFRIEND! Y/N'S GOT A BOYFRIEND! Y/N'S GOT A BOY-" "No I don't!" I tell her.

"Are you suuuuurre?" She asks. I ruffle her hair, "Yes I am. BEN's a perv who does that to everybody, and I just don't like Toby back like that." "Awwwww, ok" she kind of pouts a little.

I kiss the top if her head. "It's getting kinda late, Sally. I think it's almost bedtime for you!" I tell her. "I DONT WANT TO GO TO BED!" She pouts.

"What if I read you a story?" I ask her intriguingly. "I like stories!" She says. She climbs in bed and I read her a story until she falls asleep and I kiss the top of her head, "Goodnight Sally, I love you." I whisper.

"Thank you Y/n." No problem

*A/n!: 892-ish WORDS OF STORY! I'm back, WHEW! lmao😂. I like this storyline, a lot of action. I might continue this based off of the Toby and BEN part. So as always, PLEASE LEAVE SUGGESTIONS IN THE COMMENTS! <3

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