Part 2: Homicidal Liu x Innocent! Female! Reader

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*A/n: sorry if it's out of character, I had an idea that I really liked and I just went with it. I hope you guys like it!*

*TW: R*pe? Uh it kinda turned out like that so be weary...*

Y/n's POV:
I walk in Liu's room only to find him laying on his bed with Nina on him fucking him.

"L-Liu, w-what is the meaning of this?" I speak quietly as my eyes well with tears. "Y-Y/n?" He pushes Nina off and sits on the edge of his bed, Nina glaring at me. Im doing my best to hold back tears as I whisper, "why?"

"What?" He asks, he didn't hear me. "I thought I meant something to you!" "You do! You mean ever-" I cut Liu off, "then why did you do this?" Tears stream down my face as my voice breaks.

To my surprise, I see tears start to form in Liu's eyes, he stands up and walks towards me, "because, let me expla-" "there's no need to explain! I get it. Since the night we all played truth or dare, I was just a toy. Your toy. You just used me to manipulate my feelings. You never really loved me, did you? Did you?! I never thought that you, Liu, would be capable of being this way. I fell for the Liu that was sweet and caring, the Liu that was my best friend, not the Liu standing here in front of me. Goodbye Liu." I turned around and borderline ran out his door, down the hall, and through my own, tears streaming down my face. I shut, or rather slammed, my door before balling my eyes out.

A few moments pass before I feel Liu hug me from behind. How do I know its him? His scent. I guess I forgot to lock the door. Liu then speaks, his voice cracking, "Y/n, please... I had to do it, she-" "You didn't have to do it." I whisper to him. "Yes I did, she-" "No you didn't." I sob out. "She forced me! I didn't want to, bu-" "She didn't force you to do anything you were laying there with your eyes shut!" "She said she would kill you." He sobs out.

"And you don't think I can handle myself?" I ask him. "I didn't want to take that chance! I love you!" I cry more, "no you don't, you don't love me. I want you to leave." "W-what?" He stutters. "You heard me Liu, get out." "N/n, I'm not gonna leave you, I promised you that!"


"You won't ever leave me Liu, will you?" "Never N/n, never."

*End of Flashback*

"I don't accept that promise anymore Liu." "I don't care," he sobs and wraps his arms around me tighter, "I'm not gonna leave you y/n! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry n/n!" He says sobbing into the crook of my neck "Get out Liu!"

After awhile of trying to wiggle out of his grasp I stop, Liu's sobs slowing down. I sigh and whisper, "sorry Liu," before elbowing him in the gut. He groans from pain but grip only tightens. I do it again and can finally get free. I turn around to see Liu holding his abdomen, he didn't even have enough decency to put a shirt on. "I trusted you." "Y/n, I'm sorry!" "I trusted you!" I shout as I open the door and push him out, "Y/n, please..." He pleads. I start crying again, "Liu, its over," I whisper out before shutting and locking my door. Liu bangs on the door once while sobbing and I fall to my knees, bawling, my head leans against the door. I feel like I'm gonna die...

*One week later*

I've been in my room for a while now, not coming out, eating, or even counting the days. I don't even feel hunger or sadness at this point, I just feel... empty.

Someone knocks on my door; I don't care who it is I just want them to leave, so I stay quiet hoping they'll think I was sleeping and go away. Its worked before, little did I know what time it was now.

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