The Hallway

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*A/n: so we had to write a journal prompts yesterday and mine ended up being about creepypastas so I decided to post the whole story here. Also, a friend gave me an idea to turn this into a full blown book on here, and I think that's a good idea. What do you guys think? I hope you enjoy it!*

9/17/2020 Prompt 2

You find yourself alone in a hallway. No matter how far you walk in either direction it never ends. Using descriptive language for each of the 5 senses (Sight, Sound, Touch, Taste, and Smell) describe the hallway.

I wake up on something cold and hard. I open my eyes only to stare up at a yellow tinted, buzzing and flickering light. I slowly stand up, as I stand my head starts to pound softly. I whisper to myself, "Where am I?" As my vision clears I see a long corridor, lit only by buzzing lights that felt like they would go out any minute, leaving you in total darkness. But they didn't. They just kept buzzing and flickering and buzzing. The only thing I can hear is that damned buzzing! I turn around to see another, seemingly endless, hallway. How did I get here? I started thinking about what I did last, where I was, anything that seemed odd. The only thing I could remember was taking a nap. I realize i'm still in my jeans and green jacket that I wear all the time. I look at the wall and run my hand against it. It's rough and feels like concrete. I take a deep breath to try and collect my thoughts only to be greeted by a musty odor. Am I in a basement of some sort? It seems rational, but the hallways appear to be way too long. I turn around and look at the other wall only to take a step back in surprise. I see a bunch of writing and small drawings scribbled on the wall. They weren't there a minute ago! Where did they come from?!? It's all scribbled in red, but as I look closer I realize something. I touch it, and it's still warm. I think the worst as I smell it. Yep, I was right. It's blood, fresh blood. I take a step back and wipe it on my pants, looking back up I recognize the phrases and drawings. Phrases like 'ALWAYS WATCHES, NO EYES' 'DON'T LOOK... OR IT TAKES YOU' 'GO. TO. SLEEP!' and 'You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?' Those are their phrases... The drawings are of a tall man in a suit with no face, triforces from LOZ, Chelsea grins, a clock in the place of an eye, and eye sockets leaking a substance. Each drawing and phrase correlates to a different creepypasta. "Are they... real?" A voice booms in my head, Always have been child. "That's slenderman then" I whisper. You are correct child. Do you know why you are here? "No, no I don't" You know too much. You are too wise in the world of us cryptids. You must be... dealt with. "What do you mean 'I know too much'? All I do is write fanfics. And... what do you mean by 'dealt with'?" That is why you are here. Your initial assumption is correct, you are in a basement, but no ordinary basement. This basement NEVER ends. But there is an exit. If you find said exit then you live. But if you don't, well, just hope you find it. Jeff, release the Rake. "The rake... oh god I have to find a way out of here." I hear a squeaky metal door open followed by growling and who I assume to be Jeff laughing maniacally and saying, "This is gonna be fun to watch!" I hear animalistic sounds of grunting, growling, and running coming my way and in the distance as I see the Rake charging at me full speed. Needless to say I start running in the opposite direction. As I'm running the Rake is slowly gaining on me. Think! I've got to think otherwise I'm going to be clawed to shreds and eaten! I've got it! The door! They didn't close it, maybe that's the exit! But I have to get past the Rake... the lights! They hang down, maybe I can grab onto them and jump over him! I stop after another light and I turn around and I wait. As the Rake gets closer I notice the blood on his face by his mouth, and on his long, claw like fingers. He gets right behind the light and I jump up, grab the light, swing over him, drop down, and take off running again. It's risky but if it works then great! I keep running, the only thought in my mind is that door. My legs feel like they're about to give out, I've never liked running but I feel that it's very necessary in this situation, unless I want to get eaten. As I'm approaching the door I can hear it gaining on me. I get to the large, slightly rusted, door. I get inside and quickly pull the door down trapping the Rake in that dreaded hallway. Right as I close the door I hear a big thump against it. I lean against the door gasping for air. Well done child, you get to live. You have proved your intelligence and your worthiness. "Th-thank you"

(Extra that I didn't write in the journal prompt for obvious reasons)

Now, child, you have a choice to make. "A... choice?" Yes, a choice. Since you have proven your worthiness you can chose to join us or choose to go home. If you chose to join us, you become a creepypasta and live with us, kill with us, and become immortal like us. If you go home, you will carry on with your life as if nothing happened. You will never be bothered by us again, and you will live peacefully. I know that it is a big decision, so take a minute or two and decide.

Join them decision:
"Hmmm, join you guys? That sounds like a dream come true! Well... kinda. More like a nightmare, technically, but I'd love to!" That's great my child, we shall grab you some of your clothes and some of your things and get a room ready for you. Now, you'll need a name for yourself. You don't have to come up with one right now, but do you have anything in mind? "Yeah, actually. How about (CP Name)?" Excellent. Come now (CP Name), we have much to do. "Yes sir!" Slenderman teleports us out of the never-ending hallway.

"Say... can I call you slendy?"


Go home decision:
"Umm, I kinda want to go home." Understandable, you have a better home life, you would probably miss them. I'll teleport you home then. "Thank you." I get teleported into my room and I look around, glad to be back home. Sighing, I lay on my bed and as I stare up at my ceiling I think about all of what just happened. Nobody would believe me if I told them, but I kinda like the fact of that. It's my own little story that nobody knows about. I smile as I close my eyes, sleep washing over me. When I wake up hopefully I won't be in the same predicament.

*A/n: Sorry this week's upload was so late, I was a bit busy with school. Which one would you pick? I honestly don't know which one I would chose. Also, I wrote the majority of this on my laptop because I had to transfer it from a Google doc and it's so different from writing it on my phone like I normally do, and I kinda like writing it on my laptop so i think that's what I might do from now on. But anyways enough of me rambling, I hope you enjoyed the story! <3

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