Chapter 2 An Absent Friend

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A few months later

"What's wrong Blondie? You look a bit out of it" Eugene asked. "I just keep thinking of Varian, all alone in his dark cell" Rapunzel said. "You're not pittying him are you?" Eugene asked. Rapunzel just gave him a look that said it all. "Rapunzel he tried to kill your mother and Cassandra, okay Cassandra doesn't really matter to me, but I wouldn't want to see you upset." Eugene said.

"I know, but it is my fault" Rapunzel said. "It isn't" "It is! If I had kept my promise then it all would not have happened!" Rapunzel cried. "I rather not say it, but I agree with Rapunzel" Cassandra said as she walked in the room "Although I would also have picked the kingdom over my friends."
"The worst is that days after I still didn't go to see what he needed my help for. I could have gone, but I didn't and then I helped him steal the sunflower again with only Corona in mind" Rapunzel cried.

Cassandra sat down next to Rapunzel. "Raps you shouldn't worry that much about this whole situation, the one in the wrong is Varian in the end." Rapunzel nodded. "I still feel as if I have to go to him to just check if he's alright and maybe appologize?" Eugene wanted to say something, but Cass interupted him. "You should do what you think is best" she said.

Rapunzel smiled and made her way to the door. "I'll go to him right now!" She said and grabbed her bag. "Are you guys comming too?" Rapunzel asked. Eugene and Cass sighed, yet they stood up to follow Rapunzel, perhaps to see Varian, perhaps to keep an eye on her.

They went all the way down to the dark dungeons in which Varian was kept. It took them some convincing before the guard opened the door, but he let them in eventually. The three walked in and saw Varian. Sitting kinda livelessly on the hard prison bed.

He look up at the bars seperating him and the outside world and noticed his former friends. "Hey Varian" Rapunzel spoke slowly. Varian just nodded. "I uhm we came to see how you were doing" Rapunzel smiled. Varian said nothing. "I also came to appologize" Rapunzel spoke. This piqued Varian's interest. He finally looked up at the princess and his friends.

"I appologise for not keeping my promises, for not coming to see what was going on even when I could, for not helping you when I should, I'm sorry" Rapunzel spoke. Varian looked at her seeing her sincerity.

He sighed. "It's not something I'm not used to you know" he finally said. "What is?" Rapunzel asked. "People not keeping their promises with me" he said and gave Eugene and Cassandra a soft glare. Though the glare also turned into a very appologetic look.

Eugene didn't notice the look Varian was giving them, but Cassandra did. Her eyes grew wide as she knew that Varian was already changing.

"I need you to leave now princess" Varian said. "Seeing you lot doesn't do me any good." Rapunzel nodded. Before she left she handed Varian her bag. "It's much better than prison food" she muttered and left, her friends following behind her.

Varian opened the bag, it was filled with cookies, cakes, muffins, chocolat and all kinds of sweet. He laughed softly. "Does she want me to get fat or something?" He smiled. He realized that thinking of the princess and her friends could make him smile, something he wasn't sure was a good thing.

"Did you give him food?" Eugene asked. "Yes I did, he needs to eat more than just prison food" Rapunzel answered. "But-"

"Let her be Eugene" Cassandra said. "For once you should know how bad prison food is." Eugene nodded. "I think what you did is good, I do not forgive Varian, but I do understand his reasoning. I'd get mad too if people keept breaking their promises to me, but still it doesn't justify what he did, but I also think it's good that you appologised" Cassandra said.

Rapunzel nodded "I hope he will lose his will to have revenge on us, I want him back as our friend." "I know we all do" Eugene said. "Did you see that look that he gave me and Eugene by the way?" Cassandra wondered. "No? What look?" Rapunzel asked. "At first it was a glare, probably for the unkept promises of Eugene and I, but it turned in this appologetic look, as if he was sorry." Cassandra explained.

"Maybe deep in his heart he is, but his anger is still so fresh that he doesn't know it yet" Rapunzel spoke. "Maybe your right Raps, let's hope you are and that in time he will know" Cassandra smiled. Rapunzel nodded. "I really hope so."

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