Chapter 10 The Loss Of A Friend

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A/n: Due to this being my final year off college I have been busy and this quarantine is not doing my depression any good, that's why updates are incredibly slow and I'm very sorry about that. Still I hope you keep enjoying this story!

Cassandra woke early in the morning, jumped out of bed ready for the day. She had work, but woke up early just so she could test out her new sword. She sneaked outside to the stables and saddled Fidella. She climbed on the horse's back and rode to the forrest.

Once she was far away enough to not awaken any people still sleeping she got of and tied Fidella's reigns to a tree. She walked into a small clearing in the forrest and grabbed her sword. It was a dark yet bright purple colour and shimmered beautifully in the light of dawn. She swung it around a bit to get a feeling for the weapon. It was so light, yet felt so strong. The handle fit perfectly in her hands, which usually soldier's swords didn't, since they were often mass produced for men with larger hands. This weapon was clearly made exactly for her.

She swung the blade around in a low sweep and stood surprised to see that it had cut the tips of the grass clean off, clearly this sword wasn't purely decorative. Cassandra walked away from the clearing to an area with more trees and swung her sword at one and cut the lower branches off like it was absolutely nothing. She stood back surprised, none of her previous swords had performed so well.

She smiled and looked at the purple blade. It made her think of how much effort and thought went into this, but especially all the research Varian, who barely had any knowledge on weaponry must have done to make this. She blushed a little to herself, no man had ever done something like this. She knew quite well that such a gift is not meant as an apology, there were deeper feelings at play, feelings she noticed, but did not want to notice.

It was frightning, someone having such strong feelings for her, but she did not dislike it. Yet she was not sure what her feelings meant. To her it was finally sinking in that Varian wasn't the child anymore they met all those years ago. He was a grown man now, a man with real feelings, not that his feelings weren't real back then, she simply knew how young people waver and lose interest in the blink of an eye.

It was time for Cassandra to return to the palace and start her work as a lady in waiting. She put away the sword, untied Fidella and climbed on her back. She rode swiftly back to the palace and once arrived she quickly changed her clothes before anyone noticed she had left.

After a quick breakfast she went to work. Whilst cleaning the hallways she though of ways to thank Varian for his amazing gift, she felt like she simply couldn't enjoy the gift without doing anything in return. Though she wasn't very well versed in the romance department she did want to give Varian something that would show him that his feelings, though not yet spoken alloud, were not being ignored. Hours went by as her work progressed, but her thoughts didn't she decided to go back to the forrest to clear her head and practise a bit with her new sword as soon as her work was done.

On her way to the stables, after dinner, she passed Varian's lab. The door was half open and she could see Varian frantically mixing some potions and liquids. He seemed stressed, worried even. Eventhough she didn't want to bother him especially since she didn't even know how to properly thank him yet, she knocked on the door. Varian looked up to see Cassandra standing in the door opening.

"Oh hey Cass" he said as he put the bottles he was holding, down on the table. Cass he said, not his casual happy Cassie he would say now that he could again, something was up. "Hey Varian everything alright, you seem a bit worked up?" She carefully asked. "Ah yeah all is good yep" Varian smiled a very fake smile. Cassandra responded by simply raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms. Varian sighed. "Well you know I'm just fine, but Rudiger has been a bit under the weather so I'm hoping to make something to make him feel better" he explained.

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