Chapter 8 Tangled Emotions

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During Cassandra's work her mind kept wondering about what she read in Varian's notebook. Who on earth could be that person he is in love with. Nice hair and smile, someone who he's sorry to? She gasped as she realized it. "Oh no Varian is in love with Raps" she muttered. She thought she couldn't care, but a strange bitter feeling went through her. "Should I tell Raps?" She muttered. "No that's a bad idea it would only make things awkward.

At the end of the day she exhaustedly went back to her room and fell down on her bed. There was a soft knock on her door. She sighed, got up and opened the door. To her surprise it was Varian who had come to bother her. She sighed softly. "What is it?" She asked. Varian got a plate filled with food from behind his back and put it in Cassandra's hands. "I thought, since you have been busy all day you wouldn't have had any time to eat so I made you some" he smiled. "I didn't know you could cook?" "Well cooking is a lot like alchemy you know, but I have to admit it is a science on it's own" Varian laughed. "Also you could see this as a little thank you for helping me find Ruddiger today" Varian said while rubbing the back of his head. "You know Rudiger means a lot to me and well you know I'm very grateful and uhm" Varian muttered. Cassandra smiled. "No worries" she interrupted. "I'm glad I could help." Varian smiled at her brightly. "Ah the food! It's going to get cold!" Varian exclaimed. "Well I'll leave you be to eat that then" Varian spoke quickly and retreated to his room.

Cassandra hadn't turned around to enter her own room just yet as she saw Rapunzel knock on Varian's door. Cassandra quickly went into her room, but left the door open so she could spy at them. She couldn't properly hear what they discussed, but she saw Rapunzel smile brightly at Varian who just blushed and rubbed the back of his head, like he usually did when he's shy. Cassandra softly closed the door of her room. She sighed as she sat down on her bed, plate in her lap. She didn't know what to feel about this situation. A soft hoot broke her thoughts. She opened the window doors and let Owl in. "Hey Owl how was your day?" she asked. Of course Owl didn't answer back, he just turned his head sideways like all owls do, but it made Cassandra feel that he understood. She looked down at the plate in her lap, the food smelled so good. She took a bite and gave Owl a small one too. It was so delicious, but Cassandra's thoughts prevented her from really focusing on the flavour. "Owl, I think maybe I should tell Eugene that Varian is in love with Raps or is that a bad idea?" Owl just hooted softly. "Hmm but then again Eugene might tell Raps, no he definitely will... Unless I threaten him not too of course.' She sighed and put her plate on the her dresser. She'd bring it down later.

She still heard Varian and Rapunzel chat at the other side of the door, but decided to ignore it. She felt sorry for Varian, for him being in love with someone who'll never love him back, or even notice his feelings. She put on her nightgown and got under the covers she had to get up early tomorrow.

"So you cooked for her how cute!" Rapunzel laughed while Varian again rubbed the back of his head. "Who cooked for whom?" Eugene said joining in on the conversation. "Varian cooked for Cassandra!" "For Cass? What? Why?" Eugene asked sincerely surprised. "Ah I forgot to tell you it's because" "Waah!" Varian interrupted Rapunzel. "Let's talk about this in my room please!" He said and pulled Eugene and Rapunzel into his room and closed the door behind him. "So, what is going on?" Eugene asked. "Varian is in love with Cassandra!" Rapunzel cried excitedly. "Huh, what? Since when?" Eugene asked. "Just since a couple of years" Varian muttered. "He created an element and named it after her Eugene how did you not notice?" "I don't know, but clearly she hasn't noticed it either" Eugene pouted.

"Well I doubt she would I hurt her bad and I honestly have no idea how to make it up let alone make her fall in love with me" Varian sighed. "Maybe cook some more?" "Eugene!" "What it could help?" Rapunzel sighed. "you need to do something impressive and since you're good at making things I suggest make something impressive." Rapunzel suggested. "Like what?" Varian asked. "Well you managed to impress her at the science expo did you do that with that element you created?" "With the Cassandrium? Maybe?" "Why not try it again!" "Hmm I'm not too sure." "What did you actually make for her back then?" Eugene asked. "A necklace" "Pffftt a necklace!? for Cassandra!? She doesn't seem like the necklace type to me Varian" Eugene laughed. "I know, but it was the best I could do I only could make small pebbles with the machine you know." It was quiet for a moment the three of them were deep in thought.

"A sword." Eugene said and broke the silence. "Excuse me?" "Well Cass is into stuff like that right? Swords, bows, deadly weapons?" "I suppose." "So make her a sword Varian" Eugene said. "Yeah I bet she'll love it!" Rapunzel smiled. "I have to remodel my entire machine to do that, but I think it should be possible and if you insist then it should be okay right?" Varian smiled and Rapunzel nodded. "But you can't just give her a gift you know, since Cassandra is quite oblivious to well emotions and affection and so on you also need to tell her your feelings you know" "I know" Varian mutterd. "Alright I'll be going to my lab and get started!" "That's the spirit" Rapunzel smiled. Varian smiled back and ran off.

Rapunzel and Eugene left the room as well and bumped right into Cassandra. "Oh hey Cass!" Rapunzel smiled sort of nervously. "Raps, Eugene, you were chatting with Varian for a while huh" Cassandra said. "Yeah he just needed some love advice" Eugene said as Rapunzel pushed her elbow in his side. "I, I mean he needed some advice on gifts!" He awkwardly corrected himself.

"Advice on a gift for someone he loves?" Cass asked while glancing at Rapunzel. "I'm not sure even a gift will be effective in his case" she mutterd. "Sorry what was that" Rapunzel asked. "Ah nothing, I have some work to do see you two later" Cassandra said and left to continue with her duties.

"Poor Varian even if he gives Raps a gift it won't do much to change her feelings for Eugene" Cassandra thought. It left a bitter taste in her mouth. Why must Varian be in love with Rapunzel why must everyone always love the princess why didn't he love her? She caught herself thinking such a strange thought. She shook her head violently and forgot all about it as she continued with her work.

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