Chapter 14 You may kiss the bride

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A/n: Wow another update this soon? Yeah I can't really believe it myself either, I guess I've been on a writing streak! Though I doubt it'll last. Enjoy this chapter! 2 more chapters after this one, the ending is in sight! Also another reminder that English is not my first language so please don't be mean in the comments about any mistakes I've made. (And if you are mean in general I'll block you so you can't read this fic anymore don't want any of that in my comments)

Varian fumbled with a small wooden box, sighing deeply. There was a sudden knock on his lab's door, he almost dropped the box and it's contents. "Come in!" He said and Rapunzel walked in. "Hey Varian, today is the day no? Can I see it?!" She asked excitedly. Varian smiled. "Of course." He opened the box and showed Rapunzel the ring. "Is this your ring for Cass, it's stunning!" She cried. "It's Cassandrium huh, you seem to have a theme" she laughed. "Well if it works, it works" Varian laughed along with her.

"Are you nervous?" Rapunzel asked. "Haha yeah, I'm afraid she'll say no for starters and then there is asking her dad for her hand, which I think is stupid, but tradtion I suppose" Varian answered. "Come on Varian you're together three years now! And you're both head over heels in love, of course she'll say yes!" Rapunzel tried to encourage him. "And you've met her dad before, he's alright no? You'll be fine, I'm sure" she smiled.

"Thanks Raps, I needed that" Varian smiled. "Anytime" Rapunzel smiled back. "Well I'll leave you to it, good luck or break a leg not sure which one applies now haha" she laughed and left. Varian took a deep breath. "You can do this" he whispered to himself. Though he still put his plush raccoon in his apron pocket, a lucky charm could never hurt. He got up and left for the office of the captain of the guards.

He pretenciously confident knocked on the office's door. "Come in" the captain said. Varian walked in and closed the door behind him. "Ah Varian what can I do for you?" The captain asked. He clearly didn't hate Varian, but he wasn't sure if he was liked by him either. Varian took a deep breath.

"I'm here to ask you for your daughter's hand in marriage. Though I think womem themselves should be the one to decide who they marry, it is tradition and thus respectful to ask her father for her hand first" Varian said, trying to maintain eye contact with the captain, which only worsened his nerves. "I see" the captain said. He got up to stand accros from Varian. "This implies you haven't asked Cassandra herself yet?" He asked. "No sir, I will after this, whether you give your approval or not, since I love Cassandra and nothing, not even her own father can stop me from doing so! Though approval would be nice" Varian smiled akwardly. The captain let out a roaring laugh.

"It's good of you to follow tradition, but as you said only Cassandra can decide. You have spirit and I like that, so go ask her now instead of me you rascal" the captain said patting him on the shoulder. "Yes sir!" Varian smiled and ran off.

Cassandra was in the middle of some training in the forest. Varian went to find her not knowing he was being followed. "Cassie!" He shouted and waved at her. She waved back. "Hey Varian, come to join me with training?" Cassandra asked. "No, uhm I have something important to tell, no, ask you" Varian answered. "Oh well ask away" She smiled. Varian cleared his troat.

"Cassie, no Cassandra" he started. "I'm never as happy anywhere else than when I'm with you. Your entire presence brightens my day and I wouldn't know what to do without you." He grabbed the box from his pocket and got down on one knee. "Cassandra, will you marry me?" Her mouth fell open, but she didn't say a word. "Please?" Varian added awkwardly. "No" she muttered. "No?" Varian said tears welling up in his eyes. "I mean yes! I mean no, don't plead you silly! I was not quite prepared for this, my thoughts were still processing!" She cried. "So yes?" Varian asked again. Cassandra jumped at him, they hugged as they rolled through the grass. "Yes, a thousand times yes!" They kissed, but not for long as cheering came from behind the trees.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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