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They are both 7 and Yukio has not become and exorcist yet

3rd person p.o.v

Yukio and Rin were playing in the garden, and Shiro was watching them. They look so happy, so carefree thought Shiro, the holder of their dark, dangerous secret. I hope they never find out, or find out when they are old enough.

"Tag! Your it!" Shouted Rin as he touched his brother and started running away. His twin, Yukio, answered his dry by running after him, both laughing while they played with each other. Yukio, being a worn out after a while, suggested a game of Hide and Seek. Rin happily ran away and hid in the trees to find a hiding spot. While Yukio counted.

Rin P.O.V

"1...2...3..." Yukio chanted. I love my twin, he is so fun.
We love to play with each other. I climbed up a tree to hide and scraped myself. Oh, no! It stung but he knew Yukio could fix him up, just like he does every time. Whenever I get into fights it is always for him or Dad, but I get in trouble. Yukio wants to be a doctor and he practices on me, but tells me off sometimes.

At least he doesn't know what they say to me, he has a good life, not needing to control his anger or worry about grades or listen to people calling him a demon. I hate it when people do that. I am not a demon!

When I was high enough I stopped, and felt someone behind me. I turned around and saw a green haired man, he wore funny clothes, a red bag on his back and had a weird smile. I asked
"Who are you? Why are you here in this tree?" He laughed with no feelings, and answered in a bored tone.
"Little brother, I am here to take you home and to your real dad." What? Home? I already am, and Shiro is my dad, why would I come with him. I voiced my thoughts and he scowled " Look, you are a demon, your dad is Satan, King of all demons and Gehenna, and he sent me to take you home." I tried to move away for the crazy man but realised I couldn't move. He smirked again. I faced him, like I faced all those bullies and questioned
"How about Yukio?" We are twins, so shouldn't he come too? The stranger looked at me like the reason why was obvious. He drawled " He was too weak to possess your fathers flames, only you were." I was shocked and mad, no one called my brother weak. I lashed out
"How dare you!! Yukio is not weak, he is very strong. He wants to become a doctor and save people."

The man let out a sigh, clearly tired of me, and grabbed my arm. I could hear Yukio looking for me and I shouted for him, but a hand quickly covered my mouth. The man jumped off the tall tree like it was nothing and on the ground made a portal while I tried to run off. He bit his lip till blood came and spat, making a squishy-looking portal and jumped in. I finally let go and tried to climb out. I saw Yukio and he ran faster to come help me but I was dragged in, but was dragged in, but I said quickly "I will come back and I will never forget you!" Then darkness consumed me.

Yukio P.O.V

I can't believe it, Rin was dragged away! I fell to my knees, crying for my twin, shouting and hitting the ground, begging for him to come back. Who would protect me now? Rin always saves me from fights, even when I was rude to him. I love him,  and don't want him to be taken away. After a while of weeping I ran through the trees and crashed into Dad. He immediately kneeled and asked, concern in his voice "What happened? "
I wiped my tears away and told him the whole story. He didn't look as surprised as I thought, but he looked scared. Then he turned to me and said "Don't ever forget him, we will look for him. Okay?" This made my smile and I nodded, vowing that I will find Rin.

Dad looked at me with a sad smile and said "There something I have kept secret from you, it is about your heritage," I know that we are adopted, but we never talked about our birth parents, the subject came with awkward looks and sighs of sadness. Dad looked wary to say it, so I said " Dad, it will not affect me. Say it."
As if that is what he wanted to hear, he continued
"You and Rin are sons of Satan, Demon King of Gehenna,"
What? How could this happen? What does that make me?

Demon? Human? Hybrid?

"You are a normal human, when you were born you were too weak to get the powers, so to stayed human." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. A question popped into my head "What about nii-san?" Is he normal?
"No," Dad whispered "he did inherit the powers of the demon king, and can control the blue flames," What? Rin is a demon? Is that why he would have trace outbursts. " I trapped his powers in a demon sword called Kurikara, or the Koma sword. Only when it is broken or taken out of its sheath will he access his powers." I don't know what to do. Dad finished with " I am an exorcist, so I kill demons for my job and when you are of age you can too, officially." I will do what I can to find Rin and become and exorcist, adding to my vow.

A/N- Thank you for reading. This is my first An no Exorcist fan fiction.

-Bye Faelings

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