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Rin P.O.V

Today I was going with Yukio and Shiro to see what he does for work. All the cram students went with an exorcist to observe what they do, and me and Yukio stayed together. we went on a bridge and found a large black cat with two tails - a Cat Sidhe. I always found them rather cute and cool because they can change size at will. Cat Sidhe were demons that possessed cats and if in the host body long enough, develop a split tail, like this one. They were worshipped because they killed pests and rodents in temples and were rewarded with food, but soon people stopped counting on the demon cats, so they went astray. This one must have stumbled around and gotten lost. He was shouting 'get away! I didn't do anything! ' which obviously sounded like yowls and mewls for everyone else. I looked at Yukio but he didn't seem to hear it, maybe the demon blood is too diluted. I saw the guns and ran in front of them so they wouldn't shoot. Yukio and Shiro yelled "What are you doing?" shiro added "Come back here!" to which I responded with a wave and shouted the cats name, this will be my familiar. "Kuro!" The first thing to do is to name them, the Sidhe looked at me, 'I did nothing! Help me! Make them leave.'
I turned round "Put your found down! I know what to do!" Or at least hide them, was the subtle message that thankfully they got. They lowered them but were in a position where they can use them quickly. "Come here!" I ordered to Kuro. "You will be my familiar." I said this out loud but through the demon link I said my real request  'Can you be my familiar? I will treat you well and none of these mean people will bother you again. ' Kuro seemed weary but went along with it. He shrank and walked up to me. I picked him up and walked up to a shocked Shiro and Yukio. I wish I could document their faces right now, it is pure shock.

We had lessons as normal and packed for the trip tomorrow. We have a training trip which I am excited for.
Yukio said "What happened with the demon?" I looked at Kuro, now stroking my leg, and answered"Since I am a demon we all can communicate in Gehenna and it is translated in your head, but in Assiah we can't talk, so we developed a telepathic network where we can talk to anyone." Yukio sighed "I sometimes wish I could do that." No, you don't Yukio. He didn't know the struggle that came with the flames. The responsibility. I love my flames, and wouldn't want to give or trade them for anything, but people think that it is better than it is.
"I can open your ability to hear demons." I have done it before. Sometimes a demon wants to have a part removed or cure a child who has a disfunctional leg or wing. Only Satan's spawn have the ability do do it.
"No, but I do want to know if you are in danger ." I accepted it.

I checked that no one could see me, closed the curtains and shed my human form. Yukio gasped and out of instinct moved back. I looked at him and saw into his soul. I took a part of mine and tied it to one wave, bonding us. I thought of Yukio and thought 'can you hear me?' He looked at me and I heard in the distance a 'yes'. We practiced for a while and after we perfected it, we fell asleep.

The next day we left early to the trip. Shiro and Shura came with us. I talked to Yukio but also looked around. Assiah has a totally different landscape. It had more colour and diversity. Everyone started to complain about the heat but I was ok with it. I guess that 10 miles in the heat was good. When we got to the capsite the girls did the protection wards and cooked and the boys put the tents up. The girls were hopeless at cooking so I stepped it and made a quick meal. They all complimented me.
"You would make a great wife." Shima noted. We were given a task. Shiro explained "There are 3 lanterns in this forest that you will light. If you keep a lantern lit and come back here in 3 days then you will be fit to go on missions," How will all of us pass them? I think we will work in teams. He picked up a backpack "This has all your essentials." Shiro gave us each one and let us go.

I found Yukio and told him my plan. He agreed and we walked around till we found Sheimi, Konekomaru and Suguro. We lit the Lantern and Suguro put an enchantment so it wouldn't escape. Yukio and Suguro kept saying the spell to keep it under control, Sheimi sat on top and Konekomaru was there in case of an emergency. I got stuck with the worst job. I had to pull it all. It took ages and it was heavy but we came to a river and had to devise a plan to cross it. Suguro took our a pad and drew the plan. When no showed it I was confused "Who is that?" What is that?" I asked. He shouted at me each character. I would carry Sheimi over, they would take the seal off,  the demon would follow me to Sheimi and then at the other side we put the seal back on. Thankfully the plant went well and we got to the base. Izumi, Takara and Shima and were already there. All the lanterns were found. Shiro congratulated us and we all slept.

-Thank you for reading this

Bye Faelings

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