We take the hostages and some extras

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Rin P.O.V

The train took ages, and the exorcists wouldn't let me talk to any of the others in case I ''did something horrible to them. What was I going to do? Give them horns? Convince them that not all demons are bad? Well, I convinced them that demons can be good or bad, and  I did unlock part of Yukio's powers, so I did make someone at least more demon. Oh, well! Not like that will change their minds. At least they let me keep Kuro, and the mind link with Yukio actually helped. I wish I had been told before, I may have taken some monga or something. On the way I "talked" to Yukio and Kuro, being careful not to show anything to the exorcists.

At the halfway point we got off the train and got some food. The takoyaki and onigiri were amazing. Thankfully the exorcists switched and I could talk to Shura. We talked till the ride ended and went to a hotel. I was put in a room with Yukio and Kase, an exorcist to keep an eye on me. We ate and I started talking to Kase. "Why are you always so silent? What, Demon got your tongue?" I laughed as he glowered at me, and I waited for him to finish his bite, which he milked soooo much by the way, just to any me. He swallowed, had a drink of Fanta then answered "I don't think it's birth my time to speak to demon scum like you." I fell back on my chair so dramatically that I think my inner Mephisto came out. " Wow! I have never heard that one before? I am so sad" I righted the chair and looked at him. "I will keep talking to you until you start talking back." I saw him on the train reading Fullmetal Alchemist, so I started with that. "Who is your favourite character in FMA? Would you want to be an alchemist? If you were, what would your name be? I would want to be one, with an affinity for liquids, the ability to make Fanta into orange juice sounds so appealing! Yours would be keeping silent..." I went on a bit more, kale smiling with each sentence till he finally broke, looking as excited as a little boy with his new lego set. "I like Al the most because he is kind and sweet, I would want to be a fire alchemist..." We went on and on about different topics, manga, anime's, the school , way on into the night. Yukio left halfway through to 'sleep early', like the dork hw is. Then we parted ways into separate rooms. Yukio was still awake and turned to me. "If you use that scream alarm, the next person screaming will be you.", and turned back around. I laughed and changed the alarm as to not disturb little softie Yukio.

In the morning we set off for the abandoned train, where we walked down the track to the "missing" train car. While walking up to it I could sense a large and powerful demonic presence. Could it be one of my brothers? I hope not, I am really not in the mood to fight Astrorath or Beelzebub. They creep me out, and I would rather fight Iblis.

We approached the train from different angles, Me, Yukio and 2 exorcists went from the roof, Bon and Shima and Koneko and one exorcist went from the back and Shiemo, Shura, Eyebrows and another exorcist went from the right. The other exorcists went from the back. We waited for each team to signal, then we burst in. We got in and on one side was a bunch  of bruised passengers, tied and gaged with roped. They looked frightened with some cuts and bruises, probably from trying to resist, but they looked interesting, as if they were intentional in this areas. "I turned to the other side and I saw a figure move from the shadows and almost walked into where my sword was pointed, the smell gave him away. "Come out, Buzz, and let my kick your butt like down below? " The figure laughed , and a few flies came out, then a head with ram horns, Beelzebub came out, faking sadness, and asked "Do you not miss me, little bro? I miss our sessions, you always were my favourite." He added with a smile, I smirked back, remembering his horrible session of running from bees that could kill with one bite "Your screams always made my day." Then he looked at Yukio, disappointment all over his face. "He is exactly how I thought, he looks about as strong enough to fight you after your first year in Gehenna." Yukio scowled and moved forward, but I stopped him. My brother came to attack, but not before Shura clamped a collar around his neck, rendering his abilities useless. He snapped at me with his fangs, betrayal in his eyes. Why would I show sympathy for him? He snarled in a demon language "You know I can escape easily?" But his strength was already leaving him, and when he was on the edge of backing out he whispered "Doesn't matter. I am at home now." That line confused me, what doesn't he mean by home. His home was Gehenna, not -. I looked back at the freed prisoners ,realising the symbols that Beelxebub pierced into their skin, and shouted "Stop!" But as the first one touched Assiahs light he burned bright blue, lighting up the others, and cracking open the floor.

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