Classes and getting beaten up

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Rin P.O.V

A scream woke me up this time, my eyes darted (Thank you @DezukuIzukuNo) around the room, and saw it was from the alarm clock next to me. I looked around my room and saw on a hanger a new set of clothes for me. Black jeans and a plaid black and red shirt. I kept my trainers and got changed. Today I will start the lessons. A demon came into my room and bowed, which made me uncomfortable. "Master Rin, What would you like for breakfast?" I thought about it, and decided on pancakes.
"Pancakes please, what is your name?" The demon looked shocked, as if that was a strange question
"My name is Jin, master, but you can call me what you like." I scowled at master, and Jin noticed, and backed away, as if I would hit him. I calmed him by saying
" I do not want you to call me master, just Rin." The demon smiled and sighed "Ok...Rin." As if testing it, and left.

I paced around, wondering what the lessons would be like, until the pancakes came. It was on a tray and had a golden stack of three and syrup and chocolate on the side. I picked up the knife and fork and dug in. It was delicious! I wasn't given anything yesterday, so I was starving. Jin stood there, and when I finished, took the tray and asked me to follow him to the library. A black skinned demon with what looked like a funny book as a head and 4 arms sat at a black wooden table. There were many books and another chair where the demon gestured. I quickly sat down and the demon started
"Master Rin, I am your teacher Ajax and i will not tolerate any disrespect in my class." I understood but heard out loud what sounded like scratching, and then English in my head." I would like it if you didn't call me master and how can I understand you?" Ajax sighed
"Since you are Satan's son all demonic languages translated in your head and if you are in Assiah, you can still talk to them using telepathy." Oh. I hope this isn't like normal school, I can never stay still to listen.

Ajax starts the lesson. "In this lesson I will teach you about the heirachy in Gehenna. First of all the demon kings. There is, of course, Lord Satan at the top, then it goes in age order." At this point I start to zone out. Ajax noticed and left the room and came back with a little black cat demon. He placed it on my arm and it started biting me, Ajax smirked "Every time you zone out this critter will bite you." This helps, of course there was  not a rubber ball I could play with. He continued
"Lord Satan is at the top, then it goes in age order..."
The lesson finished with me being bitten a lot and now able to recite from memory the heir achy, 3 types of demons: food, plant and master, and had homework to learn how to identify each.

Next I had physical practice . I found Amaimon, king of earth, in a track. He looked different. I went and stood in front of him. He told me to bow and I did, then said 10 laps around the gym. I did well on the first 7 but then I started getting tired. Amaimon noticed and set a demon behind me and I ran faster to get away from it.

At the end I was panting like hell Amaimon gave me a glass of water. I got my breath back and Amaimon challenges me to a battle. What?!? He is obviously going to win. What is he going to do? I accept and we bow, then he immediately charges, I dodge and try to hit him, but he pulls back and I grab his arm but then he throws me into the air and I land straight on my back, I can hear the painful crunch. Then as I get up, I feel angry and my vision is tinted blue and I am circled in blue flames. He comes and send punches and a kick, I try to block but my moves become more powerful but sluggish as I get angry do he easily passes the block and punches me in the gut and swinging me round so he hits my neck surprising me enough to stop the flames and calm me down.

"That rage could end a battle or end you. You must keep it under check or you will burn yourself." He declares, as well as himself the winner. He gives me tips and exercises to help me with my anger and strength. For my forfeit I would run 5 laps and 5 for the cool down. I feel my back being knitted up and less pain. I look at it and I only see a fading scar. I feel no pain anymore, I look to my other wounds and they have mostly closed. I start with a jog instead of a run and keep the same pace the whole 10 laps so he wouldn't set another demon on me.

I left with Jin to go back to my room, do my homework and then read through my description of Yukio and Shiro.
After a while of going over the techniques I saw Amaimon do and the very hard exercises which were push ups, sit ups and a "plank" for 30 seconds, I had to ask what the last one was. Turns out it is a push up on your elbows. It wasn't hard but I started wobbling.

I wanted to do something because I was bored so I asked Jin where the kitchens were. He led me to a very filthy part of the castle under ground and I went in. I learnt to cook from an early age because I was in a house full of boys and none of them wanted to learn . The demons were confused at my appearance. After realising who I was I heard many stuttering scared 'My lord''s and 'what do I want?'.,Some cowered away as if I would hit them, and I could the various types of bruises from beatings to burnings, but when I asked to be treated like a student and will not hurt them, they all looked at me to see if it was a trick, then, seeing it wasn't, taught me how to use the machines and utensils. After an hour of learning I helped make dinner and I sat with the staff to eat my own. All the staff gave off the same feelings of fear and confusion at my presence but relaxed when they found out I wouldn't harm them or say anything.

I looked at the time and saw I must go to Satan for flame practice. I found my own way there and found Satan in his chair. He props as yesterday and only gave me one word.
Immediately it was obviously between my humans and demon skin. I tried to imagine myself in my human form but that didn't work. I tried this for 30 minutes in vain, so I tried to think like a snake shedding its skin and shedding off my demonic skin. Another frustrating 30 minutes passed and I was given a hint. Satan said the me " Assiah is the layer above Gehenna." What? I already was told this by Ajax. Gehenna was made before Assiah. After thinking of this, I came to the terrible conclusion that this demon body was not above my human body. But this is my original body. I am a demon. I was a demon disguised as a human. I remembered the differences between my human and demon bodies and changed my body to look like a human, or more human like. I knew I had gotten the answer because of one reason.

It hurt like hell.

I felt my tail get smaller and sinking into my body. I felt my claws retracting into my nails and it felt as though someone was filing my fangs and cutting my ears down. Bow my ears were only pointed and fangs were only a little bigger than a normal human. I had no tail to speak of or elongated claws. Satan only nodded and dismissed me. It took too much of my energy to do that. I immediately got into my PJS, cleaned up and slept.

-Bye Faelings

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