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Yukio P.O.V

What just happened? I summoned Rin, he walked out and 5 minutes later we are back at the beginning of the lesson, as if it hadn't happened! Then Rin shows up as a new student and the class repeats.

We leave to our dorms and Rin is in mine. I do not know what to say to him. We sit and I start my questions.
"Anything we say right now is 100% true, and we can't lie, and it will not leave this room." I stated and he nodded.
"Promise?" I checked. " I will use the twin promise."
He still remembered that. When we were younger we decided if we said that all what we say is true. I smiled.

"Why did no one know that you were summoned?"
Rin answered "I did a thing to their minds and turned back time." So he has powers. I always thought it was just flames. Next question "What is Gehenna like?"
He answered with a question. "What do you think it is like?" It is so frustrating. I answered because it was his game, he would answer with a question and I would always answer first.

Rin P.O.V

He recited "Gehenna is the opposite of Assiah. It is where demons live and there is no order. Instead of a government they have 7 kings and Satan, the King Demons, every demon is loyal to Satan. If any try to go against him they will die. There are 2 types of demon: Moro and  Fura . The Moro are dumb and are the ones that are food, the Fura are smart and are the ones that do the work. Demons do not have families and are born from spores or eggs or seeds. They are grown into their type of demon and most have one mind set. They do not feel like humans and have no emotions." He finished with a righteous look, thinking it was true. Most of what he said was a lie.

Yukio said, "Was I wrong?" I laughed a little. I answered
"You were 75% wrong." He looked shocked and countered "What is it like then?" I started
"Gehenna is ruled by 7 demons kings and Satan is the king. There are multiple types, the Food, ,Gessaih, Vicio and Intel. Food is just that, food. Gessiah are the ones that are born in Assiah but can't live there, Vicio are the ones that are cruel, ones you usually face, and Intel are the ones that are smart and have high ranking jobs. All Demons are loyal to Satan but are in types. Each is from a specific demon kings kingdom. They can be born from spores or eggs or seeds or live. They go to school depending on there type and choose what to do after. Some do have feelings, some can feel it and some can't. The difference is that all Demons can shut off their emotions. I am half-human so I can't suppress my emotions and don't plan to if I could."

Yukio looked really surprised, and knew that I wasn't feeding him false information because I was there. He then asked "Where did you live?" I thought of lying, but remembered the promise and said the truth.
"I lived in the castle with all the demon kings, who are our half-brothers, and Satan." He gasped, and fear for me came from him. "What was it like?" I sighed "It was hard, I had lessons on Assiah and Gehenna, then physical, then flame practice. Sometimes I would go and walk around."

Yukio looked scared to ask the next question. After a few minutes he stammered the question I knew he would ask "What were the punishment like?" I gulped
"If it was minor it was a visit to the doom room, if it was a minor offence. This happened once, I had a memory of you and Shiro taken from me."
I hid some parts, about how hard the physical training was, what happened in the doom room, the methods used, and how some of my brothers treated me.
"What was the crime?" Yukio asked, his voice getting quieter with every question. I shook my head and answered.

I lowered my head at this, not wanting to see the horror on Yukio's face. I tried to lighten the mood. "I did meet many people and I did enjoy some bits. I am here now!"
Yukio put his head in his hands. I put my hand on his head and lifted it up. "I am fine, most of the time I enjoyed myself. I met many new people and learnt a lot."
Yukio said, "I couldn't protect you, I couldn't get you out sooner, I could have tried harder to get you out so you would not have to suffer!" He got louder with every word, 9 years of sadness, guilt, anger and sorrow all embedded into his words.

Yukio P.O.V

He had to endure that. I know there are some things he is hiding something's from me, it is normal. I made a vow to find him and I did, but he still had to suffer. If I could have found more, I could have saved him. Rin tried to change the mood by asking what happened with me. It was nothing interesting, but did distract me. I started, "The day you left Dad told me about our heritage. I have to check myself every day to check if I am human, it has worked every time,"Rin almost looked hopeful that I had same powers, but went to relief after I said I am human. " I studied to become a doctor, but would sneak into Dads room to look for things on demons. Then I joined the school this year because I wasn't allowed to do it earlier."

Rin stood and declared, "It sounded fun," i looked up at him and saw his hands gesturing to the door "can you show me the dining hall, I am starving." I laughed, remembering Nii-sans big stomach. I stood and took him to the cafeteria. After Rin seeing how expensive the food was, we went to the spot I usually get my food. Rin was weary, but then he saw the meals set out, one for each, he stared as if he recognised it and walked into the kitchen. I finally saw the demon that cooked my meals.
He is cute and small, a non deadly demon.

Rin P.O.V

I can't believe it, Ukobach is here! He was one of my favourite teachers. He left, and I didn't know where he went, so I was happy to see him here. I hugged him and said "Why did you come here? I missed you!" The little demon replied "So I could experience Assiah, and I love to cook." I grinned and told Yukio, who was very confused, how we know each other. He sighed and we went to eat our meals, thanking Ukobach and then returning to our dorm to study and sleep.

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