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Yukio P.O.V

I can't believe it. Dad is dead, the man who raised me, fed me, helped me was dead. But my screams were drowned by Rins power. I knew Rin was powerful, but I didn't think he was that good. It scared me. It looks like it scared everyone else as well, all because of Dad. Shura bandaged my stab but I knew there would be a scar. I tried to stand up, but I almost fell till Shura held me up. Shura looked at Yukio and Dad's body with a flabbergasted look. "What the hell just happened? How can Rin use Satan's flames? Satan's blue flames?" She looked annoyed and ready to punch a tree so it bends. Rin walked up and the exwires huddled up as he did.
Suguro took a step forward "Hey! Idiot, what was that? What did you learn down there? How can you control the blue flame?" Rin looked at him "I learnt a lot there, and I am still the same person you met. I just showed you a little more."
Izumi spoke in a slightly shaky voice. "Why did I feel the urge to bow to you? Or understand your- whatever it was?" I remember, he said a growl can affect anyone with a little demon blood, I count because I still have Satan's DNA, just turned off, but still there, meaning I could understand him. Rin asked her "Do you have any demon blood in you?" She nodded. He finished with "Then that small amount noticed who I was."  Sheimi came out of the huddle, and looked up to Rin "Was that really you?"
Rin gave her a tiny smile, "It is when any one of my families lives are on the line."
They had a reason for asking and being grouped together. Rin looked terrifying. He growled so loudly we covered our ears, but it was most painful for me. I could understand it and knew what he was saying, and Izumi as well apparently. He sent out a message to the surrounding demons to not touch us, if they didn't want to feel his wrath.

Rin started " I gained some abilities from being in Gehenna-" Shura didn't believe him "Cut the bull! Then how is it Satan's flames? We have seen the Gehenna air, when a demon is summoned the air comes from from them is from Gehenna and we have analysed it and it has no affect on humans. So I will ask you again. What. The. Hell. Just. Happened?" Rin decided to say the truth this time. "I am the son of Satan. Me and Yukio are a rare type of twin. My mother was pregnant with Yukio and me, but Satan possessed her and left his DNA in me instead of killing her-" Suguro but in "What about Yukio, he is you twin. Can he spews out flames as well?" I answered this time "No, I don't. I check every morning and it has never changed." Shura didn't want to take any risks. She lunged and caught his tail, secured a band around it and chanted a binding/pain spell.

Rin P.O.V

I knew it all went down hill when I smelt their emotions. Fear and disgust came from the Pages and shock and fear from Shura and Yukio. Sheimi felt betrayal which hurt, I could also smell a little pride from Yukio. I saw Shura have it in her fingers before she put in on, I knew it was a binding charm, but I didn't know how much it hurt. It at my tail, tugging at it and sending an electric shock through my entire body. I fell and started twitching madly. I couldn't feel anything. I saw hands pulling me up and then all I could see is black.

Yukio P.O.V

I tried to get to Nii-san, but Shura held me back. I shouted and tried to talk to my now unconscious brother. A man with a big sword came stood over and was about to put a sword through Nii-sans neck. This ticked me off.

I looosened Shura's grip and ran to fast to him, and put myself around him before the sword could get there, stopping the man.  « You can't do that! He is still part human! » He looked at me. « Do you care for this half-breed filth? He doesn't even belong in Assiah, he should go back to Gehenna. » how can he think this? He was taken against his will to that place! He is originally from Assiah and has no right to go back. " Then should I go back?" He answered with a sneer "I suppose not, since you were raised in Assiah. He, on the other hand, was brought up by demons, we don't know what he was taught. He may have been faking his whole time here, how do you know that all this wasn't an act? How do you know he isn't here as a spy under Satan?" He was right, of course, but I don't see any evidence of Rin being a spy, and from my memories I can tell if he is lying and still can, he hasn't lied much. I still didn't think he was a spy. "Nii-san is not a spy! If you kill him you kill me!" He just looked annoyed and knocked me out with his sword.

A/N-Hi, anyone reading this, can I have any ideas for the next chapter

Bye Faelings

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