Chapter 2

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So after about 8 large coffees, jamming to rap, and getting the best of traffic during the day I got to the Clout house at about 5 pm. The ride should have been around 20 hours but as I said, traffic is a bitch.

 I park my car on the side and see another GT-R. Oh, it's a beauty. It was white wrapped in Off-White. Lol white and white... haha? No?

 Okay, *cough* anyways, I go through the garage door inside the house since it was open with my 2 bags and I locked my car. I'm careless, I get it (I went inside first when I should have locked my car first). 

I hear a bunch of yelling in the theatre room so I leave my bags aside and walk in yelling "HOOYYYAAA!!!!!!" Everyone either jumped or screamed. I fell to the floor dying with laughter as Alissa tackles me screaming "KING YOU ARE FINALLY HERE WHAT TOOK EXTRA TWO HOURS? OMG HOOYYAAAA YOU'RE HERE!" "Haha Hi bitch, the god damn traffic. The best part about LA," (note sarcasm). She gets off me and pulls me into a tight hug. 

"Guys, this is my best friend Jazz King, I call her King, and Ricky here is the King that's in my contacts." I laughed. "Hey, yea you guys can call me Jazz or King, whatever," "So King, you already know my amazing boyfriend Ricky, that's Matt aka Matthew Espinosa, Bryan aka Ricegum aka Rice, Mitchell he lives near us,  Fraizer Kay, Teawap he's our editor, and the others are out for a bit and I'll take you to the FaZe House (a/n lets just say they still live in LA they didn't move to Calabasas and all)." "Damn okay, but right now my bags are at the door, can I get the room," I say letting out a laugh.

We took the elevator up to the third. There's no way in carrying two bags up the stairs. We walk in the room and I loved it. It wasn't too flashy or too plain. And the balcony. "Oh my lord, this room is amazing! Thank you" I hugged her. She starts to help me unpack and complains about how many pairs of sweats and basketball shorts I have, hehe. I pull out my beats pill and blast XO TOUR LIF3. 

I grabbed my camera and start recording "Hey guys, I finally reached the clout house after painful traffic delays" I laughed and then Alissa yells from the back "Hey guys before I start ranting CAN I GET A HOYA," "HOYA!" We hear the guys scream "SHUT UP!" We burst out laughing, "So guys I'm here, take a peak of my room" I show the room "Alright guys that's my trip to CloutHouse, imma end here and finish unpacking, so see you guys in my next video!" I end the video and continue to unpack. (A/N I forgot to mention she vlogged when she was coming like at red lights, haha safety first). After packing Alissa left to sleep it was like 12 am and I quickly edited my vlog and began the upload and passed out on my bed.

I was up to a dog licking my face. London. "London not now please" I pull the covers over my head. "Hey come on get up, your drive wasn't that bad." Oh Ricky, only if you knew. "Ricky, how about you go drive for 22 hours, have 8 large coffees, no sleep breaks, and get stuck in unnecessary traffic jams," "Oh shit, nevermind. Come on London" I fell something snuggle against me and stay there. "Aw look at London snuggle with King, look at this babies." Pretty sure he's snapping. "That's our baby London, and that's our other baby King," "Ok ya bye dad get the fuck out" I went back to sleep with London. 

I wake up and London's gone. Oh well, I look at the time it's 2 pm. At least I got my sleep. I got to shower and changed into this 

I head downstairs and see Alissa in the kitchen with food

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I head downstairs and see Alissa in the kitchen with food. She sees me and slides me a plate of food. "Thank you" "So bitch, whatcha wanna do today?" "Hm I don't-" Ricky interrupts " Hey baby. And sleeping witch" "HEY YOU LITTLE JACKASS!" " Haha, anyways we are having a party tonight, I need you guys to go get food." Alissa speaks up " Okay, King hurry up and let's go." I shoved the last bite of food and put my dishes in the sink. I ask "My car or yours?" "Yours" I grab my keys and we head out. She instructed me because the last time I came here was like almost 3 years ago. We were busy jamming in the car we missed the turn. I had to make a u-turn and go back. We almost got caught by cops because you can't make the U-turn where I did. I parked and we head in grabbing chips and other junk. Paid and skrt off.

We walked in with the food and see a bunch of drinks on the table. Ricky sees us and says "Did you guys buy the whole fucking store," we laugh and Alissa says "We live with hungry animals Ricky," "Jazz, you up for drinks tonight?" "Maybe..... I'm 19 and Canadian so I'm legal," "In Canada!" " Still drinking,"  Me and Alissa went and watched some random shows and she says "Makeup?" "Um maybe not."

A/N: Hey guys I know in the pics Kendall maybe wearing makeup but let's imagine she isn't, thanks.  OOOFFFF WASSUP I know its a bit boring but I have ideas I'll add in. I feel like its too early to add them in, so bear with me. HAVE A LIT ASS DAY!

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