Chapter 11

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When we saw Jazz, with cuts and bruises. I really wanted to run to her. She fought off three people. Damn, that's my tough girl. Wait, nope. After the hospital, I just went to sleep. The next morning or afternoon, I don't fucking know. I got out and went out, but I see Jazz walking up. Maybe to Alissa's room. I'm pretty sure I look fucked. I see her walk away avoiding me. I call her name but she didn't bother. I sigh and just went back to my room and freshened up. I head to the kitchen to grab a water bottle from the fridge while waiting for my postmates to arrive. I see Jazz in the kitchen, eating salad. She looks away and gets up to put her dishes away as I grab a water bottle. Her phone rang as she answered. "Hey Nordan" I looked at her. Full of jealousy. I see her leave as she tells him to hold up so she can go to her room. 

What have I done? 

Soon maybe an hour later I hear yelling from Ricky's room. Probably making a video about last night. My phone rings and it's Nordan. I don't answer and continue watching The Arrow since I finished The Flash. Nordan calls for the 10th damn time and I answer. (A-Alex N-Nordan)

A- What do you want

N- You and Jazz back together

A- Isn't she your girl?

N- Dude wtf. No


N- BRO SHUT THE FK UP AND LISTEN *explains everything*

I run my hand through my hair, annoyed at myself.

A- Shit I'm so sorry bro 

N-No I am sorry-

A- no its not your fault. Don't worry I'm sorry bro and I'll talk to you laighter. I need to go to my girl. 


JAZZ POV (continues from the last chapter I know bad formatting I'm sorry )

I get up to leave because I really did not wanna deal with him right now. I just finished snake paul. My face is better, but my hands. I forgot to mention were red a little bruise. They still hurt a bit when I move them. Guess I gave them some good shots.

I grabbed my meds the doctor gave me to apply to my somewhat fucked face. Alex comes up behind me takes the meds out of my hands and makes me sit on the desk chair. I look at him emotionless. He takes my meds and applies them to my face. I wince as he touched one of my cuts. He immediately stopped at looked at me. I look away as he continues applying the meds. He takes my hand and applies it there too. I just watched him. Inside I feared to get back into the relationship. You'll find out my reason soon. After he's done I say in a low tone "thanks," He looked and smiled at me. I get up and go back to my balcony and sit there, staring at the view. Alex knelt down in front of me, I knew he's gonna talk about last night so I proceed to get up but he places his hands firmly on my waist, making me sit down again. "Look, I wanna talk about last night. I am really sorry. I just got jealous of you and Nordan. I've never really seen Nordan look at someone like that. He called me earlier today like 10 times and I yelled at him, but then he told me everything. I felt so bad but then I felt even worse since he blamed himself for not waiting. I never realized till he told me, that he looks at you like he does to his other siblings. I fucking hated myself after I talked to Nordan. I made my bro blame him for no reason. I hurt an amazing tough bitch," he chuckles "I am so sorry Jazz," He looks me in the eye. I see he meant every word he said. That fear of going into a relationship was gone. I sat there staring at him. Till I broke out a smile. He had the biggest smile ever as he pulled me close and kissed me. We went to bed cuddled and slept.

I wake up the next morning and look at Alex, who's still asleep. Alissa walks in and smiles. "I'm happy you guys are back together. I'll see ya later." She leaves as I reach to get my phone and then Alex pulls me closer. I order breakfast through postmates. I slide out of his grip and put a pillow in my spot. I get up brush my teeth and check up on my order and see its almost here. Wow, that was quick. I head down and open the door. I see a guy probably twenties. "Hey, pretty girl. Here's your food. I pay and before I can shut the door he says "Hey as a tip can I get your number?" "Sure" He gives me a pen and I write on the back of the receipt ' I got a boyfriend :)' I hand it back and shut the door. I head back up to see Alex up brushing his teeth. In my bathroom. He probably pulled out a new toothbrush. After he's done he says "so gave that guy your number?" "Haha, you saw? But nope. I wrote on the back I have a boyfriend and shut the door." "That my girl" he hugs me and pecks my lips before we dig into the food.

A/N: MORE ACTION IS COMING PATIENCE. I am not patient at all to bring in the drama! But hope you guys are having an amazing day and keep smiling. Why? It suits you :)

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