Chapter 25

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A/N: I'm using Cardi B's Bodak Yellow but I'm gonna do a different filming


A couple days went by, I've spent most of my time in my room writing and making beats. I finally finished today and I'm proud of the fire I produced. It's like 8 PM. I called Alex and he answered, "Hey Alex, where ya at?" "On my way to clout right now. I should be there in 10. That surprise has been on my mind since you left," "Haha see ya soon." I got us both black off-white hoodies as I said before. I went and changed into the hoodie and sat back down and waited. I went to the balcony since I love admiring the view. I felt arms snake around my waist. I quickly turned and hugged Alex. "Hey babygirl," "Hi baby, come lemme show you," "Damn your hoodie is fire," I smirk and toss him the bag. He raises an eyebrow and pulls out the hoodie and his eyes are wide. "You got matching hoodies, holy shit this hoodie is so fire tho, thanks baby" He gives me a kiss and then I  went out my door and yell, "EVERYONE IS THIS FUCKING HOUSE NEEDS TO BE IN MY ROOM RIGHT NOW! GET YOUR ASSES OVER HER NOW!" I went back to my room and Alex was sitting on my desk chair. "Hey, I was sitting there," He motions to come near him. Soon as I'm close he makes me sit in his lap. Soon then everyone is in my room. "So I want y'all to listen to this. And then we gotta go shoot. I need you all in my video," and before anyone can say anything I played the track. Halfway through the song, everyone was jamming. At the end, they were shook. "ITS A BANGER IM TELLING YOU RIGHT NOW," Banks said. Rice said it was fire. Same with others. SO I told them you have 3 hours to go changed and get ready for the video shoot. Alissa ran out of the room. The others left and I got up off of Alex and tossed him the hoodie. He got the hint to wear it, lmao we are gonna be matching in my video. I went out and yelled, "WEAR OFF-WHITE IT WOULD BE LIT!" 

When we got to the shooting site which it was where you get a beautiful view of the city lights and it's night, like 12 AM. Yes, it was an hour long drive. We brought it Alex's GT-R since he wrapped it Off-White. We began shooting. We had scenes that were just too funny and stupid. It shows how we honestly don't care much, we just have fun. We got long clips so we had more options to chose and crop. 

We finished shooting and it was like 3 AM. "Late night In-and-Out run anyone?" I asked. Everyone was tired but still said yes. We left for In-and-Out and sat there and ate. We talked about everything that just happened. Banks got a video of Rice when they were jamming with the rest in the back and he slipped and fell. We laughed and I said" Bro, we have to add that in the video," "NO!" Rice yelled which made us laugh even harder. We finished up and headed out. "Alexxxx piggyback?" I asked with puppy eyes, he laughed and bent down a little. I jumped on his back and he caught me and we were off to his car. We got home and were all cashed, it was like around close to 4:30 AM.  We just passed out.


I woke up because my phone was ringing and it was the production people. "Hey, we're gonna pull up at about 2 PM to put the video together," "Bet." I look over to a peaceful sleeping Alex. I check the time and it's 12 PM. 2 hours till they arrive. I got up and went to do the morning this and shower. I put my hair up in a messy bun and change into black off-white (guy) shorts and a black off-white hoodie. I walk out and Alex is up on his phone. He sees me and smiles, I walked over and sat down beside him. He pulled me over so I was laying next to him. He gave me a kiss and of course I kissed back, he tried to keep it longer but I pulled away. "The crew are gonna be here soon. Go freshen up," "One more kiss" I give him another kiss. He finally then leaves as I went out behind him and yelled for the house to hear "CREW'S COMING TO PUT THE MUSIC VIDEO TOGETHER!" I received a bunch of okays and made myself food. And extra for Alex. I finished and see Ales come so I slide his plate across the table and we eat. Once finished we put our dishes away and the production crew is here. We put it all together and yes, I did make sure the clip where Rice fell was in it. It all came together and boom. YOUR BITCH REALISED A BANGER. MAJOR ALERT! "WOOO I DROPPED A BANGER!!!" "WE ARE HAVING A PARTY TOMORROW NIGHT!!" Banks yelled. "LET'S DO IT," So the guys called the other FaZe guys and me and Vi went to buy more food and drinks. We bought the basic party food and alcohol. "Girl we are gonna get drunk," "Vi, I don't know about me. I can very well say you are gonna be shit-faced drunk. Maybe Sommer and Carrington." She laughs as we unload the bags to the top floor. We decided to go shopping tomorrow for dresses. Shocker that I'm gonna wear a dress and makeup. I know.


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