Chapter 18

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So Alex is gone back to the FaZe house since now they bought two other houses. The FaZe house Hollywood and Calabasas. I chilled on my bed until I got up and sat on my balcony thinking. 

I only have 2 weeks left here. What's gonna happen after I leave? Me and Alex might end. What if snake paul comes back, but here at the house? 

My thoughts were interrupted by Banks saying the guys were going out so it's gonna be me and Alissa home. I got up and went to Alissa. "Hey Vi," "Hey Jazz, looks like it's us two for a bit," "Mhm, whatcha wanna do?" "Let's maybe watch a series of movies?" "Sure." So we stayed in her room and watched Jurassic Park. We couldn't decide so we shuffled a bunch of movies and landed on this.  We made popcorn, grabbed some candy, and drinks. Let us begin our long day of movies!

We were in the starting of the third movie as we hear some guys downstairs. We got up to go but stopped. "Alissa Violet!" We looked at each other. She whispered "what the fuck is he doing here," "does it look like I know," We heard him yell "I know you're home alone! You can't run from me!" I whisper to her "where the fuck is security? How did he even get in?" The man downstairs yells again. "I know you're here, come down! Don't make me find you!" Shit. I whisper again, "Alissa stay here, and call security, and Banks. Whatever happens, don't come out of the fucking room," "No you are staying with me!" She begins calling security. "No, I'm going down. I kicked their asses once, I can do it again." "No this time it may be to him and another guy." "Bye! Stay here lock the doors don't come out." "Jazz!"



"Security," "Hello, I need fucking security right now! Emergency! Two guys entered our house! My sister went down, but they are crazy! They will do anything!" "Coming right now and we have called the police as well. Please stay where you are." I hang up and call Ricky. First three times he doesn't answer. I remember they said they would go to the FaZe house Hollywood. Alex. I start calling him as he answers but I start talking before he can even say hello, "Alex! Get Ricky and the guys here right now! Fucking Jake Paul is here with someone and Jazz went down. I can't leave the fucking room. Just fucking come! I am worried!" "What the fuck! Hold up we're coming!" I hear a sound like glass breaking. "Alex hurry! Something broke downstairs!" I started crying. I'm scared and worried about Jazz. She's my fucking best friend. "Alissa! Baby hold on, we are coming! Jazz is a tough girl, she won't go down with our a strong fight. Just hold on baby!" Ricky says as I continue crying. 


 I head out the door and quietly shut the door and head down the stairs. I come to, unfortunately, see the one and only, Jake Paul. "Ah, look who else is here. The Jazz King!" "What the fuck is your problem?" "My problem," He laughs. "My problem is you all took something that's mine and only mine!"  I question, "Why do you need Alissa so much?" "That is none of your busin-" I cut him off, "You in a desperate need of views? Or more attention?" "Watch your fucking mouth," he spits.  "Or what? Fight me again? " He laughs "Haha, I could fuck you up any day." "You sure about that honey? Didn't seem like that the first time. I hope you remember, outside the restaurant? Where I kicked your ass?"  "At that time Imy focus was trying to save my fucking team from your violence," "Shut the fuck up, violence my ass. You went after Alissa and you started it! Wasn't that enough?" "Just give me Alissa, and I won't do anything," "Nope," "I just need Alissa! It's not that fucking hard." "And I said no. Take it and get the fuck out," "Stop acting all nice. You only defended her because you wanted to play like the nice caring friend." "I'll protect her always and forever," I tied my hair in a messy ponytail knowing where this is going. "Sure you will! Chance, go look for her!" He orders. As Chance was going to go past me I push him back. "You cannot go near her without going past me," He grabs a glass showpiece that was along the table and throws it at me which I ducked in time. "Coward, that won't scare me." "Chance!" He yells as Chance moves forward and swings at me, but I move to the side in time and elbowed his back. I turned around and he hit my face. I feel blood coming from lips. He swings again but I block it and kick him where the sun doesn't shine and then uppercut him at the jaw. He fell to the floor as I turn around and see Jake come at me. He swings and I try to move but his other arm wrapped around me leaving me unable to, so I take the blow. I swung at him and made a solid connection with his jaw. He tried throwing another punch but I blocked it. Which hurt like a bitch. We fought a bit more until he kicked my stomach which hurt like a bitch but I grabbed his foot so he lost balance and pushed him to the glass table which he falls and the glass shatters all over him. Chance comes at me once again, but from behind which I did not see and has his arm locked around my neck. Jake get up smiling, as security arrives but stops on this command, "Stop or I'll shoot her!" He pulled out a gun. Soon then I see Alex's Range Rover and he hops out with Ricky, Rice, Nikan, Oprah, and Juju. I made eye contact with Ricky and directed my eyes upstairs without Chance or Jake noticing.  He nods and yells at Jake "Let her go and we won't do anything." "Look who's joined the party. The boyfriend and the friends." Alex yell, "Let go of her before I fucking kill you!" Nikan and Juju were holding onto Ricky as Oprah and Rice held onto Alex.  Jake laughs until I hear her say "Take me, but leave her."


I can't sit here. I can hear the fight between the two bastards and my best friend. She's my fucking sister. I hear Jake yell at security. Then I hear Ricky and Alex. I don't hear the fight anymore. They must have got Jazz. I make my decision after hearing they want me. They can have me. I head out of my room and start to go down. As soon as I'm close enough I say, "Take me, but leave her," I look up to see Jazz with a bloody bruised face.


"Alissa, no!" Why did she come down, she must have heard everything. "No, Alissa is not going anywhere." Fuck, why did I leave in the first place? I should have taken her with me. I was supposed to be there for her. And protect her. It's honestly getting hard to keep my anger down. I'm gonna fucking explode.


I'm full of rage. Inside I'm hurt so see my girl in pain from her cuts and bruises from fighting. Fuck it must have been worse during the fight. All this is just making me even angrier. Banks is beyond mad. He's actually scary when he has unleashed the beast. If we weren't in this situation, I would be scared. My girl is there with Chance who has an arm around her neck with Jake pointing a gun at her. Alissa came down and now Jake's being fucking disgusting. Jake stopped him, pointing the gun between Alissa and Jazz. Banks was literally yelling at to shoot him and leave them. I look at Jazz looking at me with a small smirk on her face. She directed her eyes to the gun, which I followed to see the gun wasn't pointed at them. It was off target.


For sure Alex got the hint that I have an idea. While Banks and Alissa distracted Jake I flipped Chance over and he landed on his back. I sprinted to Jake and pushed his hand with the gun up, he pulled the trigger as the shot was fired into the roof. He let go of Alissa and I pushed her to Banks. Soon before I could escape, Jake's arm wrapped around my waist as I felt the cold metal against the side of my head. "Damn, she's a smart one. I want this one," He says putting his face in the crook of my neck. I use my head pushing his head away as he backs me up to the car. Chance got up and sat in the driver's seat. We hear cop sirens as he shot left in the directions of the sirens. I took the opportunity and flipped the gun out his hand and using all my strength grabbed his head and slammed it into the car. He clutches his head, cursing. He quickly turned around, punched me and pushed me to the ground. And then he hopped into the car and sped off. 

A/N WOAH DRAMAAAAAA!!! I know it's a little rushed hehe. Whoops. Anyways don't forget to smile and enjoy the rest of the day.

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