The Closet door doesnt like me

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Ooo look at me updating

Lin's P.O.V
Three hours since I brought home Gracelynn and I already love her as my own daughter. I'm sure V loves her just as much too and maybe even more.

After eating Gracelynn had retreated to her room so V and I were watching T.V. I look over to the beautiful person I have as a wife, she's staring into the T.V with a bored look on her face"Hey V? When should I take Gracelynn to meet the cast?" She looks over puzzled "I don't know hun why don't you take her today isn't everyone at the theater doing a rehearsal?" "You're right I'll take her now, the cast is dying to meet her"

I got up from the couch, gave V a hug and ran down the hallway to Gracelynn's room and knocked I heard a faint "come in!" from the other side "Hey Kiddo do you wanna go meet the cast?" She jumped up with the biggest smile on her face "um duh!" I laughed at her excitement "Okay then ready In 10 then we head out". I closed the door and got ready to put shoes on.

"Kiddo let's go!" I yelled grabbing my keys "I think I broke the closet door" she said walking down the hall I raised an eyebrow "How?" She looked to the ground "well I put socks on and then tried sliding to get my shoes but ended up falling and hitting the door" I was trying to hold in laughter but failed "Bhahahhahahhahhaha it's okay we can always fix the door, but now we have a cast to meet."

Okay sorry for the short chapter it's sort of a filler one This was super hard to write but I tried. 

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