Turns out I'm not okay

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Trigger: Mentions of Abuse and Suicide

Gracelynn's P.O.V.

As Lin pulled up to the Richard Rogers Theater, I gawked the theater where Hamilton is performed.

"I can't believe I'm actually meeting the cast oh my lord," I said getting out of the car

Lin smiled "Get used to seeing them everyday, c'mon we are going to go through stage door so we can hide," he said as he pulled up his hood.

" Says the man with pigtails in"

Walking up to the stage door was overwhelming, Fans screaming and jumping I leaned up against Lin whimpering

"What's wrong are you okay?" Lin stopped and looked at me

I looked up "I'll explain please let's go in"

Lin picked me up and took me inside, everything was so overwhelming, The screaming the sudden movements. I felt sick, those memories coming back to haunt me.

"Okay what's wrong hon, you don't have to tell me" Lin looked worried Like I might tell him I could die any minute.

"No no you should know, most of it's in my file but some weren't put in. When I was young my parents abused me, much to the extent of my mother choking me while my father watched. Sometimes it got so bad I couldn't go to school for weeks, they'd do everything in their power to hurt me".

"I'd get verbally abused then mentally abused then physically abused, it was an endless cycle. I became suicidal at 9 and tried but it didn't work I would have to be there for my sister and brother, get them out so they would survive and live happily. That's why I can't stand yelling it scares me, makes me go into panic mode".

"My other foster homes beat me just because I ate a grape. I was so dead when you showed up to the orphanage, I thought I'd be overlooked and be stuck there but no you became a beacon of light in my life."

I looked up only to find Lin and the entire cast of Hamilton crying, their faces looked like they'd put them underwater.

"Oh, honey I'm so sorry I wouldn't even wish that upon anyone" Lin engulfed me in a hug "I'll never let anyone hurt you again" he whispered in my ear.

I heard a throat being cleared and I looked up to see Daveed with his eyebrows raised "Lin care to explain why there is a child with you?"

"Oh sorry! Daveed and cast this is Gracelynn I just adopted her"

"Hey, Gracelynn I'm Daveed" he extended his hand and I took it "I know" I smiled while wiping the tears from my eyes.

Everyone else hugged me, this was a dream come true I'm hugging the actual cast of Hamilton. I could freak out or stay cool let's stay cool.

"So Gracelynn can we call you Gracey, Grace, or Lynn?" Pippa smiled

I flinched remembering that horrid nickname "Grace please, my mom and dad called me Gracey and Lynn before they went crazy"

Lin looked at me like I just said I deserved to be hit.

Pippas smiles dropped " Oh honey No kid should ever go through that I'm so sorry" She hugged me again but tighter I took the hug and once was grateful I had people who cared even if I just met them.

"Now who wants to do Graces makeup and hair while the others rehearse?" Renee looked at Lin and Leslie "Shoo you gotta do Hammy Hams death scene" Lin looked bummed while Leslie dragged him toward the stage.

"Now I'm gonna ask again who wants to do Grace's makeup?" a shout rose among the remaining cast.

"I call hair!" Jasmine screamed over everyone.

"I call one side of her face" Oak screamed

"I CALL THE OTHER SIDE" Both Pippa and Thayne screamed. Pippa turned to look at Thayne

"I'll steal your cookies" she growled

"Okay okay!" Thayne stepped back I could hear him mutter "scary lady" under his breath.

"Alright let's go tiny child" Daveed swung me over his shoulders.

"I'll have you know I am 5'4 I am not tiny!" I laughed

"Mhm still tiny to me" was all I could hear from Him.

I laughed and thought maybe this is where I belong.

Hi, Loves thanks for reading I love you thank you for so much reads!. Honestly, I forgot the number oops.


Depression : 630-482-9696

Suicide: 1-800-784-2433

Domestic Violence- (800) 799-7233

Teen dating violence- (866)331-9474


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