Screetching Noises

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Gracelynn's P.O.V

  We walked into the mall, I looked around confused about where to go and where the hell to even shop for clothes.

"Okay kiddo what do you want to do first? coffee or clothes?" Renée put her hand on my shoulder.

"I vote coffee" Jazzy whispered to me smiling. I smiled at her "Yeah let's get coffee, even though I've never actually had it before, Well just normal coffee at home"

"Awesome I know a good place" Pippa smiled leading us over to a popular coffee shop.

After 10 minutes in line Pippa got a mint frappuccino, Renée got a double shot vanilla mocha, Jasmine got a Chocolate mocha and I got an Iced caramel frappuccino. We snagged a booth in the corner of the shop.

"Guys this is really good, like unnaturally good," I said wiggling around in the booth

Renée looked at me with wide eyes "Grace, you say you've had coffee right?"

"Yeah, why?" I was shaking but I didn't know why maybe it was how cold the coffee was.

Renée looked over to Pippa and Jasmine "we aren't telling Lin about this okay? we'll let him discover this himself"

Jasmine and Pippa agreed laughing. Pippa stood up "Guys we better get going since we have a show today"

Everyone stood up and threw away their cups. Pippa led us over to a store called  "Forever 21".

"Okay kiddo we'll start here and move on to Hollister and Journey then we have to go to the Apple store since Lin asked me to get you a phone"

"What I don't need a phone, I don't want to cost you guys anything" I looked at them with wide eyes

"Honey it's fine, we don't mind you'll need a phone since everyone will need to get in contact with you and you need clothes" Jazzy put her hands on my shoulders pushing me toward the store "Now lets shop!"

The girls made me try on outfits for every occasion because in their words I need to be prepared. I ended up trying on outfits for; casual, out on the town, formal dress, casual dress, and lounging around the house and freakishly attractive outfits.

"Hey, guys? Um, can I get my hair done?" I was nervous that they would say no since I haven't gotten my hair done in a while.

"Yeah! let's go!" Renée said dragging me to the nearest hair salon "What were you wanting to do with your hair?"

"Maybe dye it red?" I fiddled with my hair

"That sounds amazing!" Jazzy was more excited then I was to get my hair dyed

"Okay then let's do this" Pippa smiled

*Time skip brought to you by me*

"Guys this is amazing I absolutely love it!" I looked at it in the mirror "Thank you! like really thank you!" I hugged all three of them or tried too.

"Uh guys its three and we have a show at 5, we need to get to the apple store" Renée pointed out

After paying we left the hair salon and rushed to the Apple store, once we got there I wandered around looking at the electronics around the store I eventually landed on a phone I liked.

"Is this the one?" Renée smiled at me

I looked over to her and noticed she also had a Macbook too

"I don't need the MacBook just the phone, Lin already got me one" I was slightly confused

"Okay, just the phone then" Pippa pushed me out of the store while Renée and Jasmine paid for the Phone and the Macbook.

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