Being a tourist but worse Death!

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 Gracelynn's P.O.V

  Once we got to the elevator I turned to Lin and asked: "Can we walk around Times Square or maybe be tourists?" 

Lin smiled and grabbed onto my hand and Vanessa's "We definitely can, What do you want to do first?"

The elevator dinged and we stepped out "Well I was thinking we could go to Times Square then go to Bryant Park?"

We took a few steps to the door before I started feeling lightheaded, My vison went spotty and I could hear myself call out a faint help before everything went black.

Lin's P.O.V. 

Right as I heard that silent help I swung around, almost knocking Vanessa down in the process, and dived to catch Gracelynn, I yelled for V to call 911 and tell them to hurry. 

Gracelynn still wasn't moving I looked for any signs of waking from her but got none. V quickly hurried over "The ambulance will arrive shortly" she knelt beside to both our sides and stuck two fingers on Gracelynns neck "Shes has a pulse but it's weak"  

As soon she had said that two paramedics burst through the doors. We waved them over and they ushered us away, Two of the paramedics quickly put her on a stretcher and another came over to Vanessa and me.  

"Her heart seems to have slowed below the normal rate. What is the hospital you regularly attend?"

I looked at V and saw her eyes filled with worry and fear "We go to NYP" 

He smiled "Okay great since you're the parents we are going to need you to ride in the back with her"

It felt like hours before we reached the hospital. In reality, it was around 5 minutes but when your little girl is unconscious and her heart isn't working as it should time seems to slow down.

Hoards of nurses flowed out of the hospital and wheeled her in. We ran in after them trying to reach Grace. I was inches away from her before a nurse stopped us both.

"Are you Gracelynns parents?"

Vanessa and I both nodded and waited for him to continue. "We are going to run some tests and if they turn up positive then Gracelynn will need to be monitored for a couple of days, for now, you can sit in the chairs. He motioned to a row of gray chairs that looked uncomfortable.

V and I made our way over and flopped down. "I better call the babysitter and let her know that we are gonna be here longer than expected" She pulled her phone out and dialed Aveline. I found an opportunity to retreat into my head and think.

What if she didn't recover?

What if she doesn't pull through?

What if we lose her?  

V shook me out  of my head just in time for a different nurse to walk over "Are you, Gracelynns parents?"

We jumped up waiting for the bad news "Yes is there any news on her?"

I held tight onto Vanessa waiting for the second they tell me my baby girl didn't make it.

"Well she's awake and well but her heart isn't." he paused 

My own heart skipped a beat, I glanced at Vanessa who had a fear in her eyes.

He continued "It can be managed, All she has is simple heart palpitations. She can wear a heart monitor for 48 hours to see how these episodes are triggered. "She will need to refrain from anything with caffeine or doing any strenuous activity." 

I felt relieved and Vanessa's grip on me loosened, not realizing it was tight.      

"Can we see her?" We both were desperate to see her awake and happy.

He smiled "Of course follow me"

Gracelynns P.O.V.

I could feel wires and hear a beeping next to me. I tried sitting up but was pushed down by a pair of hands. 

I opened my eyes to find a nurse looking over me. I blinked, still getting used to the bright lights "What Happened?" I panicked 

"Its okay honey, your heart slowed down enough where it caused you to faint"

"Oh wow, I've never had it do that before" I mumbled, "Where're my parents?" I spoke with a clearer voice 

"They will be in shortly, another nurse is filling them in on what is happening" She smiled "If you need anything just press the button next to you and ask for Camila" She winked and like a breeze she was gone.

I took the moment to glance around. Everything was so stark and lacking any personality, not a single spot on anything. I looked down and noticed the IV in my arm and the wires leading up to my chest. There was several hooked on me, No doubt monitoring my useless heart. Something that was supposed to keep me alive and beating but took the perfect chance to ruin a nice day out. 

Hearing the door click I whipped my head toward it to see Lin and Vanessa creep in.

Vanessa rushed over hugging me "Oh honey we were so worried why didn't you tell us about your heart?" 

I shrugged, or the best I could since Vanessa was latched onto me, "I didn't think it was really important"

"Niñita of course it is, you can always tell us when this happens because we need to know" Lin grabbed for my hand 

At this time the doctor walked into "Okay Gracelynn you're ready to be released since we already put the heart monitor on you we don't need to do that, there are a few rules. No coffee or strenuous work, you can't shower for 2 days since thats how long it's gonna be attached to you. Other words you are ready to go whenever"

"Well, shall we get on then?" Lin spoke in a horrible British accent  

"We shall good sir" I replied in an even worse accent.

Well Hi, it has been a while. I took a 2 1/2 month break and now I'm back.

I could've killed Gracelynn off lmao 

But I didn't

Yall got lucky


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