How to be a failure 101

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Gracelynns P.O.V

Lin led me into the apartment it was the nicest one I've ever been in. "So this is the hallway obviously" he seemed nervous like he didn't know how to talk to a teenager "Lin is that you?" A woman's voice shouted throughout the apartment "Lin Manuel Miranda I swear if you brought more cereal and forgot milk I will end you" A young pretty women appeared in the doorway of the hallway

"Oh! You must Gracelynn hi I'm Vanessa it's nice to meet you, I hope Lin here didn't scare you much. A 36-year-old man with pigtails in can be a little misleading" she turned to make a face at Lin, They are a cute couple, "Nah he didn't scare me much besides appearing in a doorway, well that scared me, oh sorry I'm rambling."

"Its okay Hun Lin does it all the time," she said laughing as she came to embrace me I stiffened out of habit but slowly hugged back.

"Dada?" A child's voice rang out accomplished by some tiny footprints "AYE HOMEBOYYYYYYYYYY" Lin ran to pick up the child "Gracelynn this is Sebastian. He's a good kid I promise" Lin winked at me and continued to play with Sebastian "Graytee? Trains?" Seb tugged at my hand and pointed at the set of trains on the ground.

"Hey, homeboy that's gotta wait I gotta show Gracelynn her room okay? Come on kiddo follow me" we walked down a short hallway " so at the end of this hallway is V's and I's room next to it is homeboys room and across from homeboys is your room oh also right here is the bathroom" He hit a door next to him and continued down the hallway to what my room would be "So its not much but we can always redecorate" he said while opening the door. It was a beautiful room with a queen-size bed with blue and gray sheets with a desk across from it with a new Apple computer, the rug was a light gray and the walls were painted a beautiful sky blue. "Lin its perfect I love it thank you" I turned to give him a hug then quickly running off to bounce on the bed "WHEEEEEE" I screeched before bouncing on the bed and catapulting off "ouch I think I broke the floor" I whispered as I got up to face Lin,  I could tell he was holding in a laugh I sighed and motioned for him to laugh since nothing was broken. "Okay first order of business is shopping for new clothes and a new phone," he said while wiping tears from his eyes.

" I'll call the girls up and Yeah definitely they can go soon, Now we gotta show you the rest of the apartment!"

He bounced out of the room, I followed him marveling at the decor. The hallway led into a large living room and to the left a large kitchen. "This, my dear is the living room and kitchen my two favorite places in the apartment"

I laughed and looked around "This is beautiful I love it thank you" I turned to him running into a hug, knocking him over "oops sorry," I said laughing

Once we had gotten up he looked over at me "Do you wanna beg V for pizza for lunch?"

"Duh," I said laughing as we ran into the living room.

"Heyyyyy V can we get pizza for lunch?" Vanessa looked at Lin, who was jumping up and down to me, who was draped over the couch.

She laughed "yeah why not, what do you guys want?'



"Oh no"

Hello hello hello! Short chapter mostly a filler but I am recovering from surgery so I won't be posting often. I thought wattpad deleted this chapter and I was about to get angry. Also, the talking in this book is how I would talk, using mostly slang and run-on sentences so please don't kill me. Have a goooood dayyyyyyyy

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