The Sun can f off

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Gracelynn's P.O.V

I woke up to sunlight pouring into my room and shining onto my face. Groaning I rolled over and shoved the pillow onto my face, I stayed like this for a while before deciding to get up and join everyone in the living room.

Grabbing my glasses I stumbled into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee, Lin walked into the kitchen and laughed at my tiredness.

"You good Grace?, You look dead"

"I'm not a morning person and I never will be" I whispered glaring at him, reaching for my coffee I stumbled into the living room falling onto the couch next to Vanessa, who was typing on her laptop "Hey Vanessa what are we doing today?"

"We, my dear, are looking at schools for you" she looked over at me and smiled

"Haha totally I forgot about school" I mumbled into my coffee cup. I hated school, I hated for what it stood for, I hated that I could never think like the other kid or that my brain worked differently. I had to find some way around this.

"So Grace, what do you think about Hunter?" Lin walked into the room smiling " V and I used to go there" He sat next to me

"Lin I'm sure its a good school but I'm not sure that I'll make it in" I looked up from my coffee cup, he was frowning obviously upset with something I said. "Never mind I'll give it a try" I smiled up at him.

He smiled back at me and hugged me "Good I'll set an appointment so you can take the entrance exams"

"Thanks" I got up and put my cup in the sink, As I was walking back Sebastian ran into my legs "Graytee? Trains!" He yelled pulling my hand toward the living room

Laughing I sat down with Sebbie and he threw a train into my lap "Okay Sebbie who am I?"


"Okay Seb" I laughed out

At some point Seb finally got bored and wandered off and coming back with a book "Read!" he said trying to push it into my face. Seb climbed onto my lap while I read to him. I finally heard a camera go off and looked up to Lin taking a picture "I forgot my sound was on" I laughed and returned to reading to Sebastian.

I was still stressing over the Entrance Exams and how disappointed Lin would be. Somehow I had to pass it.

I apologize for the short chapter and never updating. I'm horrible at thinking up ideas for the next chapters. In other news, I'm going back to my home state for three weeks on Dec 13th! someone actually offered to pay for my plane ticket.

Happy Thanksgiving though, If you live somewhere else happy normal Thursday!

I don't know how that stuff works

I failed my permit test on the first try so I'm super sad!

Otherwise, have a good week.


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