Coffee times ten

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Gracelynn's P.O.V

"Okay okay, how about truth or dare?" Jazzy grinned like a madman. She looked like one too, a curler in one hand and mascara brush in another.

"First put down the curler and mascara then we'll play" Groff looked terrified at the thought of Jazzy wielding a hot dangerous object. Everyone nodded to what Groff had said.

"Okay fine, how about... Grace! truth or dare?" Everyone smiled like they won the lottery

I whipped around from trying to deal with Daveed's hair "Umm dare?" I stuttered terrified of what Jazzy could come up with. "I dare you too... put these on and skate across the stage while Lin and Leslie are doing the scene."

She handed me light blue roller-skates and helped me put them on. Everyone followed me out of the dressing room helping me stand up until we got to the edge of the stage. The boys couldn't see me and didn't know what was about to go down.

I slowly got to my feet trying not to make noise "you ready?' Daveed and Jasmine grinned, I gotta admit I wasn't ready I didn't know if Lin was gonna send me back if he got angry or hit me. I weighted my possibility's and just nodded at the two.

"Let's do this"

I pushed off the skates gliding across the stage while singing Daveed's part of The Reynolds Pamphlet. By the time I got to the other side of the stage Leslie was on the floor laughing, Jasmine was laughing so hard Oak had to hold her up, Pippa and Renee were trying to catch their breath. Lin, he just looked extremely confused, the confusion quickly turned to laughter.

"Who let her have those?" He huffed out between laughing.

Oak huffed out "Jazzy did, it was a dare and Grace decided to take it, I'm just as confused as you are Lin"

Anthony decided to walk on stage at that moment, He stopped dead in his tracks and looked around "One who's that" pointing to me "Two what happened?" he looked toward Lin, looking for some sort of explanation.

At this point I had taken off Jazzy's skates, I patted over too Anthony and stuck my hand out "Hi I'm Gracelynn, you can call me Grace, I'm Lins kid he's technically fostering me but he says I've been adopted"

Anthony looked at my hand and engulfed me in a hug "Hi child I love you already" he released me and looked up.

Running off the stage Groff screeched "THE CHILD IS MINE" He threw me over his shoulder and ran to his and Lin's dressing room. He dropped me on the couch and looked over shushing me and closed the door.

I yawned "Hey Groffsauce I'm gonna sleep today's emotionally exhausted me"

"Okay kiddo I'll tell Lin" with that he opened the door and left. "Today was amazing," I thought while drifting off and finally falling asleep.


Hey, guys, I haven't updated in a while but thank you for 173 reads It means a lot since I'm not very good at writing.

Anyways I'm listening to my Broadway playlist and it went from "Turn it off" to "In the Heights" Also Trench is so good?!

Have a good day


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