Its faster when you roll

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Gracelynn's P.O.V

 For an entire hour, I sat on the couch in Lin's dressing room not bothering to move until intermission. I didn't understand why Lin decided to foster me, there were so many other girls there, so many other girls who need this more than I do. I finally stopped wallowing in my head and went to find someone to talk to. I ran into Lin in the hallway "Hi honey, I forgot to tell you I set up an appointment for Hunter" I barely got a word in before he ran off to his dressing room, I sighed and headed to the green room to find no one in the room. Giving up I pulled out my phone and threw myself on the couch my fingers danced around to a few apps before clicking on Twitter and scrolling through my feed, I ended up in my notifications seeing tweets that were directed toward when Lin mentioned me. Some were mean and others were pure curiosity, I scrolled through a few before I clicked off.

Throwing my phone next to me I put my head in my hands and rocked back. This was horrible how in hell are they gonna react when Lin actually introduces me officially? I rolled onto my side keeping my head buried.

"Kiddo you good?"

I looked up to find Daveed leaning in the doorway with his Jefferson costume, a concerned expression shadowing his face.

"Yeah done with life" I laughed standing up to crack my back instead cracking my knees, elbows, and back. 

He winced "Kid that isn't normal" I laughed "Bad joints run in my family and added with the beatings from foster homes I guess they got worse" Both of us look up to the ceiling as an announcement rings out for Act 2 starting in 3 minutes.

He looked over at me before walking away "We are talking about this later"  I groaned and dragged myself back to Lins and Groffs dressing room and fell to the floor in front of the door causing Lin to open the door and almost step on me. He looked down and frowned "Grace what are you doing?" "Well, I decided the floor was a better plan than opening the door and walking" rolling my eyes at him and rolling toward him, making him lift his legs up so I could enter.  

"Well I gotta get into place I'll see you after the show" He kissed my head then ran out the room. Knowing I was fully alone I could either nap or go on my phone, I decided on nothing when Groff burst in with Renee, Pippa, and Anthony. "Hey kiddo you wanna go see how much cake Anthony can fit into his mouth?"Groff wheezed "Hell yeah!! Is there an official number?" I was way too excited to see Anthony get himself sick, Anthony laughed "First of all Langauge Second, No but let's find out!. I followed the four out of the dressing room laughing and shoving Anthony around, I stopped for a second and realized maybe I really do belong here.

"You coming kid?"


Hi! I'm sorry I don't update a lot. I have my homeschool and I was a lead in a play that took up most of my time. Anyway, I'm sorry this is short I'll try to get another out really soon. 


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