Hey one question: what the hell

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Gracelynn's P.O.V

After playing with Sebastian I retreated to my room to read. I didn't have a phone or much clothes yet. I wonder when I'd be able to go shopping I don't care if I got a phone I just need new clothes.

Someone knocked on the door "Come In" I looked up from my book to see Lin leaning in the doorway.

"What's up"

"So I know you need clothes and a new phone, So I texted the girls asking if they wanna take you shopping and you're leaving in 10 get ready" He looked at me and watched the realization cross my face

"SCREEEEE okay okay out I need to get ready" I screeched pushing him out of the door frame

"Did you just say scree in the highest voice possible?"

"Yes get out!" I finally pushed him out the door.

Getting dressed was a challenge since the girls dress like they are ready for a modeling job. I decided on a Kings College sweatshirt that Lin had given me, Light jeans and white shoes. I looked in the mirror and decided to run my hand through my hair, Finally deciding I was good to go I walked out to the living room finding Jazzy in the chair and the others on the couch.

"Hey, Hon are you ready?" Pippa got up to hug me "Yeah let's goooooooooooooo!" I yelled turning and running straight into Lin

"Woah calm down Mija" He looked up to Jasmine "Make sure these two don't lose this one" pointing at Pippa and Renée then pointing at me. "Lin we won't I promise" Renée slowly pushed me out the door with Pippa and Jasmine following finally cutting off Lin by shutting the door.

"He talks so much oh my god" Pippa exclaimed guiding me to the car 

"You work with him though" I looked at her, puzzled on why she just realized this now 

"Honey I realized this when I started working with him" She laughed getting into the car 

The seating ended up being Jasmine and I in the back and Pippa driving with Renée in the front, The entire ride to the mall was all three singing and in some cases dramatically hitting notes. I stayed silent and laughing at times when Jasmine would throw herself on me.

Halfway to the mall Pippa turned down the music and looked at me "Honey can you sing?" Renée turned around "Please tell me you can, Lin would be so happy" 

"Yeah, I can actually! I had vocal training awhile back, I actually wanna become a musician" I smiled fondly at the thought of being a famous musician 

"That's the coolest thing ever, who's your favorite artist?" The girls looked at me

"Panic! at the disco or Fall out boy, they helped through a lot and I really want to meet them" I laughed 

'"WE'RE HERE" Pippa screamed, "Jesus do you have to scream?" I looked over laughing 

"Well, let's get your clothes!"

Hi, Sorry for not updating I was in my home town for a while and had no way of updating.  Plus Lin playing Hamilton again in PR has given me life. I suck at writing sorry you had to read that mess.

Yeet Skeet -Mae

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