T is for Trauma!

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Trigger warning Bullying

Gracelynns P.O.V

Half an hour later the interview was over before I walked out of the room I asked him a simple question "Lin?" "Yeah?" He looked at him "Thanks for giving me a chance" I looked down at my torn converse "Hey no problem, you were actually enjoyable to talk too" he looked at me and smiled "I'll see you later kiddo"

I think it went well but I'm not sure, I was too dazed that I just met the Lin Manuel Miranda like the twitter king himself and that he was asking questions about me, I haven't had someone interested in me for a long time?. My thoughts were interrupted by Emily the "Apex predator" of our Orphanage and her gang " So you think you'll be adopted by him! Ha! That's funny considering he would never adopt a fag!" At this part, all of them were laughing and hard "I don't think he'd adopt someone like you, he wouldn't adopt someone who puts people down cause she doesn't feel good about herself" I said that without my voice cracking I was proud of myself. Emily took a swing at me and I closed my eyes waiting for the impact but I didn't feel it I opened my eyes and looked down, Anna took the hit for me "Anna are you okay?" I pulled her up "yeah I'm fine but get to the lobby Ms. Maple is announcing who's being Fostered. I Thanked her and bolted for the living area and made it right as Ms. Maple said or almost even yelled "Listen up this nice man has decided to adopt one of you, Gracelynn go back your bags" I was shocked no one wanted to adopt me but Lin does "Gracelynn go get your stuff" Lin nudged me softly "yeah okay I'll be right back".

I pounded up the stairs two at a time till I reached my room, I quickly threw all my stuff into a tiny suitcase. Again I took the stairs this time down two at a time and was breathless when I reached Lin. "That's all you got? The girls are gonna have a field day with you, come on let's get to the car. We have a guest room but we can always go shopping" he said as he got into the car " No I'm sure it's fine better than the room I had" "oh" is all he said. We drove in silence until we ended up stuck in a traffic jam "Dammit we might be stuck here for a while, let's play a game" Lin looked excited "wait what kind of game" I nervously asked "Well I ask you something and you answer" "okay..." I was nervous what was he gonna ask? "Favorite color" "Yellow but not like hard yellow but a soft yellow, like when the sun is setting and the pinks and yellows appear" He looked at me with amazement "Okay that was I don't know descriptive? Well okay um favorite musical this is important" Lin glanced at me quickly before going back to his phone "wait are you on twitter? Oh sorry, the question so um confession time I have only listened to Hamilton" my voice cracked Is he gonna be disappointed in me? "Yes, I'm on the twitter and second How? you have to listen to more musicals they are great". I smiled at him then looked back at the road "Hey Lin the traffic is moving" He put away his phone and I laughed "what great musical are you gonna make me listen too?" I made a face at him, he looked and laughed "Okay here we are" I got out of the car and looked up "Lin" "yeah?" He turned around confused "Thank you" Lin smiled and got my suitcase out. "Okay mini-me lets go meet the rest of the family"

Bonjour Mae again, I think I made a lot of mistakes but this was hard to type out I had a single base idea but I had to weave some stuff into it. Question though what is your guys favorite color?.

Edit; Literally almost changed everything.

I am your Legacy ( ADOPTED BY LIN MANUEL MIRANDA)Where stories live. Discover now