The Good and The Bad and The Okay I guess

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Gracelynns P.O.V.

Having a human child jump on your stomach is not the ideal way to wake up, But thats how it happened this morning.

I pulled the blankets over my head more, hoping Lin would come to grab Sebastian. Hearing an almost like whisper-shout from the door I turned over to see Lin luring Sebastian out of my room with raisins.

"Lin, what are you doing?" I sat up and stretched

"Well, kiddo I'd thought I would give you more time to sleep but Good morning Niñita!" He yelled picking up Seb

"Niñita? what does that even mean?" Following him to the kitchen 

He set Seb down in his chair and gestured for me to sit

"It means little girl in Spanish and want some coffee?" He held up the coffee pot 

"Yes please. I didn't know that" I shrugged and turned to Seb trying to get him to laugh. Vanessa walked into the kitchen not a moment later

"Good Morning Honey" She kissed Lin taking a cup of coffee from him then turned to me "Gracelynn do you know any Spanish at all?"

Taking a sip of the coffee Lin had just handed to me I answered. "Barely. I know what milk is and thats it, I was raised In a French household so it was mostly French and English speaking going on" 

I glanced up at Lin who was staring at me with shock. "Do you know French then?"

I laughed "Nope! I can't retain information like other kids my age can"

Vanessa looked at Lin then looked at me with concern in her eyes "Honey have you ever been tested for dyslexia?"

I sighed suddenly finding my coffee interesting. I didn't dare look at them fearing what they would do.

"Niñita it's okay you can tell us" Lin walked over to the chair sitting down. 

"Yeah I have and I do have dyslexia. I whimpered "Please don't hurt me" I sunk down in my chair

Lin and Vanessa both rushed over. I was expecting them to start hitting me but all I felt was both of them hugging me

"Wait you aren't angry?" I was confused 

Vanessa and Lin realised me from the hug "Honey thats normal do you know what it affects? and why would you think we'd get angry over that. Lin had a hurt look on his face and I immediately felt bad.

"Well it affects the Math and language area of my brain and because of the last time a foster family found out they beat me." I choked back tears "They said it was my fault and that I should be punished for it"

Lin hugged me "Niñita it's not your fault. People cant control this stuff okay?" 

I wiped my tears away "Okay and there's one more thing you should know"

They both looked concerned "I have ADHD and I'm not allowed to have coffee because It fuels me" I jumped up running to my room laughing like a maniac. I threw myself on the bed and smiled to myself since Vanessa was laughing. I could hear Lin say "V remind me to never give her coffee again" they both burst into laughter. 

-Time skip brought to you by the author-

All my coffee energy had dissipated by the time Lin knocked on my door

He laughed at the sight of me sprawled on the floor "Kiddo what are you doing?"

"The floor seems nice today" I said my voice slightly muffled 

He laughed "Well kiddo it's about 12 PM so V and I were wondering if you wanna walk around downtown?" I pushed myself off the ground "Yeah I would love that but what about Seb?" 

"Don't worry Niñita he's with the babysitter downstairs now get dressed, We leave in 15 minutes" He poked at my side and I wiggled away from him laughing.

I threw on some dark ripped jeans, an oversized gray sweatshirt, and combat boots. I went to the bathroom brushed my teeth, brushed my hair and put on some foundation, eyeliner, mascara, and highlight. I bounced out of the bathroom and ran to hug Vanessa, She put her arms around me and looked down "Hi honey are you ready to go?"

"Hiiiii and yes I'm ready to go" I giggled 

She laughed at my silliness "Lin, honey we are ready!"  

He came out of their room "Okay girls lets go" He grabbed our hands and lead us out of the door.

*Disclaimer there are different types of dyslexia and I actually have the same type Gracelynn does*

Hey, guys, I'm gonna be moving again in two weeks for like 3 months so I don't know If I'll be able to update often. The next chapter is gonna be important to Gracelynns character so that will be written soon!


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