Unanswered Questions

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"How was the day?" Mom asks particularly to no one as she serves pasta in dinner.


"Usual." I and dad answer in sync.

"Is Abel back from his vacations?" Dad asks me.

"Nope. Mr. McAndrew is still clicking selfies in Hawaii" I reply wondering how amazing his life is.

Mr. Abel McAndrew is dad's bff. Whenever we talk about Mr. McAndrew visiting us, my friends look at me in amusement, because until then they didn't even know that dads also have bffs.

"We have some news for you." Mom says excitedly.

Uh oh.

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask confused "besides coming in to this world?" mumbling the last words.

"No Riri," mom says, "we are planning a vacation to Aina."

When I first started talking, I couldn't say my name so instead, I said 'Riri'. Since then my parents call me Riri.

"Oh no, did Unni pass away?" I ask getting ready to pray for her forgivness.

"God forbid! Watch your tongue, Tori." Dad warns, "No she hasn't yet, but soon will, if we don't fulfill her last wish."

"Which is?" I ask hoping for not a wish like watching me getting married, or worse, having kids.

"Her wish is that we visit Aina so she can read out her will to all her children before she passes away." Mom's voice breaks in sobs as she completes her sentence.

"So we are going to Aina this weekend and will come back in 15 days. You are a grown up girl and can live on your own. Hope you don't need a baby sitter." Dad jokes, cheering us all up.

Unni aka my grandma lives in Aina. My mom was super attached to her until we moved to Mizu. She hasn't visited unni again since then. Now unni is super sick and mom is super worried that unni will pass before mom can meet her last time.

"In that case, I wish you guys a safe journey." I say, finishing up my plate, putting it in the sink and wondering what I'm gonna do in my vacations.

Back in my room I see Kage sitting on his bean bag, lost in deep thoughts. Typical Kage.

"Mom and Dad are leaving." I tell Kage.
"Oh" Kage replies.
"Unni died." I test his attentiveness.
"I'm pregnant"
"Caleb is the dad"
"What?!" Finally! Kage is still alive.

Kage stands up from the bean bag and walks to the book shelf running his fingers across the spines of all the book covers.

Kage will never say what is on his mind. I have to bring it all out with my 'annoying questions' according to Kage.

"You want to start with the blood or talk about who is finally able to break your shield and is eligible for your liking criteria?" He'll choose the first option.

Kage leans back on the book shelf, looks on the floor and speaks, "Caleb and I are nothing alike. Excluding the fact that I'm a ghost and he's a human." I sit back on the bean bag and listen to his nonsense. Partly because I don't have anything else to do, and mainly because he's my friend.

"For example?" I ask.
"He has a life. He has an annoying sister and caring parents. He is good at studies and sports at the same time. And most of all, you like him." His answer stuns me.

"You're jealous that I like him?" I ask out of complete shock and amazement.

"Did I say that out loud?" He teases me and turns his face to the bookshelf again.

"Jokes apart. I thought we were excluding the fact that he's a human and you're a ghost." I say

"So how does that change my answer?" Kage says pulling 'The dead' by Alexi K. Wail out.

"All the examples that you gave about him being different from you are wrong, beacuse of the main fact that Caleb is from the living. Tell me, if you had a family wouldn't they also care for you? And who said that you are not good at sports and studies? Who completed Zack's homework in a day? And who knew the exact measurement to turn the ball at the exact time and pace so that Ben fell on the ground and hit his leg?" My answer seems to have no effect on him as he continues to turn the pages of the book.

"Alexi says, 'You get to live only once. Question everything around you so that when you get old and rock in that rocking chair on your patio there are no unanswered questions left.' So what did me and Caleb bleeding the same time and from the same spot meant?" Kage says shutting the book, slipping it back in its place.

"It's not an answer that can be googled or searched in the index of a book, Kage. You have to get out and search the answer yourself." I encourage him, hoping that maybe he'll finally get out of his comfort zone and the darkness that surrounds him.

"Yeah, maybe you're right. We should stop asking questions and start finding answers." There's a sparkle in Kage's eyes, as he say, which I've never seen before. He grabs my arm and motions for me stand up saying lets go.

"Where? It's 11 pm, Kage" I ask as I stand up from my bean bag.

"To Caleb's house" Kage says, and before I can object we're out of the house and in my mom's car.

What do you guys think is going to happen at Caleb's house?

To be continued....

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