The accident

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I take a deep breath as I raise my hand to ring Anna's doorbell. She is very upset with me and isn't even picking up my calls. The house is quiet, which is unusual.

Anna and her family is always celebrating something. Her family is one of those people who will even celebrate your success, ignorant of the fact that they lost.

"Hey Tori!!" Coco says as he opens the door. Coco is the cutest child I've ever seen. He also shares some facial features with Anna.

Coco and Anna always keep fighting with each, guess that's something siblings always does, how would I know? I'm the only child.

"Hey CoCo! Look I brought chocolates for you!" Coco snatches them from my hand and runs to Anna's room.

After a while he comes out and says, "Nana is saying she is sleeping and is busy now - um... Will be busy...." He starts to stutter as if he forgot what he was supposed to say, he bites his lower lip and looks up to the ceiling muttering under his breath, "uh-oh, I forgot what Nana asked me to say...." He runs off to Anna's room again, probably to know what he forgot.

Coco calls Anna 'Nana' since childhood. Though Anna hates that nickname but she can't help it.

Anna comes out of her room with Coco behind her, in a very sad face, hands hanging loosely to his sides.

Anna has scold him again. I can tell that by his pouty face.

"What do you want?" Anna says in the rudest tone possible.

I'll let this go because I know she is angry on what happened today.

"I've come here to take you to Caleb's house. And before you can object! No it is not to resolve your fight in fact it is about Kage." Anna have no idea how to react.

Whatever happened in that changing room, is between Anna and Caleb. They are grown ups and can solve their own issues.
Untill then, I'll enjoy some drama.

"What about Kage? And before you think I'm ok with this let me tell you I have some conditions." She says folding her arms and facing the left side.

"We never got to ask Caleb where that accident took place. So we are going to ask his parents.
We will act as if we are given a history project to research on 'The Mizu's Gake'. We'll ask them a bunch of questions and see how they react."

I can tell by Anna's face that she is loving the idea, but obviously she has to maintain her posture until I agree to her conditions.

So she goes, "1. You will not justify Caleb's action. We will not talk about him At All." She says with a warning tone and continues, "2. You stop getting Coco chocolates. He'll go teeth less one day if he continues like this."

She gives a smile and a winks and we both look at Coco who is staring at his chocolate like its a holy Grail which needs to be handled safely.

Me and Anna are back to normal. She asks if I'm ready and I say yes. She taps the door twice and says, "Mrs. White are you there?" Soon the door swings open with a lady in her mid-thirties.

It looks like Mrs. White got married in a very young age.

She gives a smile and says, "oh hey Nana please come in. Who is this lovely lady with you?" She asks referring me. "Hello Mrs. White. I'm Tori Akashi. Anna and Caleb's friend. We are here to ask you some questions regarding our history project if you have time." I say with smile on my face.

While we sit in their living room waiting for Mrs. White to show up with her husband we hear someone playing guitar. Obviously it's Caleb because he is the only child.

Yes. Caleb loves to sing. The perfect combo anyone can ask for their relationship.

He strums a few strings of guitar, maybe trying to figure out a tune. Soon he is in the rhythm and starts singing. He sings the first few lines of 'The scientist' By Tyler Ward which goes like this,

Come up to meet you,
Tell you I'm sorry,
You don't know how lovely you are.

I had to find you,
Tell you I need you,
Tell you I set you Apart.

Tell me your secretes,
And ask me your questions,
Oh lets go back to the start....

Caleb sings in such a mesmerizingly beautiful voice that it would melt anyone's heart. I have no idea how the hell Anna is sitting here with me maintaining her composure. If I would've been in her shoes, I would've ran into Caleb's arms.
But of course it is Anna. What can we do?

Soon we are interrupted by Mr and Mrs. White who sits across us. We share our greetings and I take no time to start with my questions.

I have to make it look real so I open my journal and ask them the first question, "Have you ever been to 'The Mizu's Gake'? The cliff where a lot of accidents occur and people attempt suicide." I look up to note down their exact expressions as we ask the questions. Mr. White holds his wife's hand and answers, "no. We have never been there to actually visit the place, but have passed by."

I continue,"Have you ever first hand experienced an accident there?" To which he replies, "yes. We were coming back from a road trip when our car crashed."

"I'm so sorry sir. Were there any casualties involved?"

I can see in Mrs. White's eyes that how much she regrets that road trip. Mr. White clears his throat and says,

"My brother and his wife who was my wife's sister also, died in that accident" there is no mention of their child dying so I try pressing a little more. "Were there any children involved?" My questions throws Mrs. White to the edge and she couldn't contain herself anymore and starts sobbing quietly. Anna stands up and kneels down near Mrs. White's feet and offers her some tissues. After a while when Mrs. White is ready to talk she tells us the whole story.

"Our family went to the road trip. On our way return, the car crashed and my sister and her husband died. We had two children with us, Caleb and Kol. Caleb was my sister's child and Kol was mine.
After the accident we woke up in hospital. When we asked for the children they brought Caleb to us. They said that where the accident took place only two bodies were found. Kol was not there. We don't know if someone kidnapped him or he just disappeared into thin air. We are still searching for our child."

Does this mean that Kol magically disappeared into the thin air?

To be continued....

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