Fights and patch ups

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Our class is responsible for the 'Talent hunt and Spelling Bee Finale' project. We are seniors and responsible students who have to fulfill their duties on time. We all are sitting in this not-so-big auditorium with our note pads waiting for Mr. McAndrew to give us briefings on the project.

Anna hasn't see Caleb since that day in the changing room. She doesn't even know that he has a black eye. I'm waiting eagerly to see her reaction when she sees him hurt, physically. Lets see how she stops herself then.

Rumors about me talking to a ghost has not stopped yet. It's getting worse day by day. Like the other day, when I received a pop-up clown on my doorstep when leaving for school. Or when my locker was full of googly eyes.
But I have been taking this all very lightly since that day when Kage asked me to ask 'Who'. I've been going by knowing that I'll always have his shoulder to lean onto and cry. And come on, where's the creativeness disappeared from this generation?! Who the hell gets scared with googly eyes and that pop-up clown, I gifted it to Coco. He loves this kind of stuff.

"Everyone please come forward so we can have a clear discussion on this upcoming project." Mr. McAndrew says shaking me from my thoughts.

As everyone starts to stand up and move closer to stage like lazy sloths, Mr. McAndrew starts speaking, "this is going to be one of the huge events of our school. But the catch is, we don't have much time. The estimated date is somewhere in 3 weeks and we have to wrap everything up and present it in 15 days somehow."

Everyone starts to settle down and Mr. McAndrew continues, "Now lets start with information on the actual event. The schedule will go like this, first the spelling bee finale and then the talent hunt so that the judges get time to process the candidates and extract the results." Brittney raises her hand and ask, "Sir? Is it going to be like a gala or something? Can we set up a Kissing Booth like Elle and Noah's?" To which the whole class breaks in 'oohs' and 'woahs' which are soon silenced by Mr. McAndrew's infamous claps and he says, "I'm afraid to break your heart Brittney but sorry, we are NOT having any vulgar activities in the vicinity of school as far as I'm concerned. There are going to be no stalls and especially not any Booths let alone a Kissing one." The class goes all sad and pouty faces which is soon cheered up with Mr. McAndrew's next announcement which is, "Let's see what we have for talent hunt. There are going to be 3 categories in which students can participate and show their talents. 1. Singing, 2. Dancing and 3. Others." Zack from the last row says, "Sir what does the other's include? Like can we show our talents on how good of a kisser we are?" To which again the class goes all 'oohs and woahs' and Mr. McAndrew says under his breath, "why are today's teens becoming so horny?" Soon he clears his throats and shuts the class replying, "for the last time, NO there are no such activities going to be performed in school which violates our codes and conducts.
By 'others' I meant," he says putting air quotes around the word, "other talent aside from Singing Dancing and ofcourse not any sexual activities. Sometimes it gets very hard for the judges to extract the results from different talents as they are all exceptionally good at their own places. So, if someone wants to show off  their talents by reading original write-ups, poetry, short stories or even do a speech, they are all welcome." Every claps and the bell rings as the students starts leaving Mr. McAndrew says, "I hope you all have understood. Remember to inform your parents about this as you all would be required to stay after school for this project...." And before he could complete, the auditorium is empty and only I'm standing there with a smile on my face as Mr. McAndrew goes, "and everyone is out before I could tell them the most important thing."

When he finally realizes that I'm still standing, he comes down from the stage and hugs me saying, "Riri! How are you my child. How's my best friend? I hope you don't trouble him much." He says pulling my cheeks. I laugh and say, "I'm all good. Dad will be coming back today from Aina. I'll give him your greetings." He pats on my head and I leave the auditorium thinking about all the preparations I have to do before mom and dad arrives.

When I leave the auditorium I see Anna waiting for me near the exit gate. She is using her mobile and is totally unaware of the people around her. As I start to walk towards her, I see Caleb heading to her from the other direction. I quickly change my route so that I can see and hear clearly what they would discuss.

Caleb quietly stands in front of her, waiting for Anna to look up from her phone, she says, "Good you're here. Let's first stop for some juice I'm soo tired - " that's when she looks up and realizes that it's not me, in fact it is her former love, Caleb.

As soon as she notices Caleb's black eye, she forgets everything and grabs his face with her left hand examines him moving his head left to right and says, "When did that happen?" To which Caleb replies, "when you thought I was making out with Brittney in the changing room."

Suddenly Anna remembers why she wasn't talking to him. She removes her hand from his face and folds them saying, "I'm still angry and not talking to you." She starts to leave but Caleb grabs her arm and pulls her to his chest, locking her waist with his hands and says, "Let me explain."
"Fine. you have only 2 minutes." She says still looking to the left.

Nope, she means you have 2 hours. She is loving this locked cage.

"I hit myself with ball that day while trying a new technique." He says with innocent eyes.
"Still doesn't explain you wrapped in a towel and Brittney hanging onto you." She says giving him a stare with questioning eyes.
Caleb lets out a huge sigh and says, "That is because I thought that a warm shower would help reduce the pain but it didn't, Brittney came in to pick up her pompoms which she left in the changing stalls while making out with Ben.
When she saw me, she offered to help, and at the same time you guys barged in" he explains.
"But why Brittney...." Anna says with a pouty face.
"So that's what it's all about?! Are you being jealous because Brittney was hanging to me while I was in a towel and not you?" Caleb says with teasing eyes and Anna goes all red with, 'Whats and Nos'

Guys Just kiss already!

Suddenly they both get startled and look at me while I hide behind the gate, "Oops... Did I say that out loud?" I say scraching my head and all of us breaks into laughter.


"How is unni?" I ask mom while I hand dad a glass of water.

"She is fine by the grace of god.
Rir, sit here" mom says patting the sofa next to her.
I go sit there thinking that she might have some news to share concerning unni's will.
Mom takes out a paper from her hand bag and hands it to me. It is unni's will.

I was right this is about will.

Unni has addressed this will to all her sweet children and their children...

As I continue reading this letter my eyes widen up in shock and my breath is stuck in my throat...

To be continued.....

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