Who likes who?

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Welcome to Mizu High! Where everyone thinks that the world is especially designed for them. Where everyone wants to not only be the hero of their story, but the hero of other's story as well.

For example, Brittney. She is the cheer leader of school. One day in order to be a sacrificial hero, she made Joana, the introvert, one who is always in the library and doesn't maintain herself properly despite having good looks; Brittney made her stand in front of thousands of people with pompoms and cheer for the team, thinking that she sacrificed her position to make someone else happy. When in reality, she made Joana a laughing stock for the entire school. But my - but Caleb came to her rescue in his soccer shorts and topless sweaty abs shutting all the mockers down.

Then comes the class topper WEG aka What Ever Girls. Windy, Eveny and Gloria. They don't make others a laughing stock, in fact, they themselves are one. They complete everyone's homework without any charges. They even provide all the cheating materials for students and then obviously get caught. Caleb and I have tried to explain them countless times that they are not hepling but making fun of themselves, "What Ever, Girls" was all Windy said and marched away with her little minions, making us break in laughing fits.

"Last time for the record, No! You are not coming to school with me, Kage", I say as I straighten my grey knee high skirt and tuck my sky blue button down uniform shirt in it.

Yes we have UNIFORMS.

"Who asked for your permission? I'm just going to prove that Caleb isn't right for you and that's all." Kage says packing up his box of needles and keeping them in his pockets.

"Fine! But we have rules this time" I say irritated. He ignores me straight and continues packing his stuff which is obviously more needles. I wonder how many stitches he's planning to get today.

"1. I don't want even a single stitch anywhere on your body" I say snatching his bag of sewing needles.
And this works. He is now attentive to what I'm saying. "And 2. You stay away from me no matter how deep in trouble I am."

Kage bleeds black light whenever he touches anything from this side of the world. He can only touch needles and books without bleeding. Kage needs to stitch the cut before the blackness spreads all over his body making him invisible for me. There is no specification to where the cuts would appear on his body, it just happens randomly.

"Yeah who cares about you. All I care for are my needles." He says snatching them back from my hands.

We'll see whom you care for more.


"Yes Eco's project is complete and now we should submit it" Anna says handing me the booklet with our names on the title page, in a very wired manner.

Caleb        Anna
Tori           Joana

Joana and we made friends after that cheerleading incident and thus we are together in this Eco project. She couldn't come to my house yesterday because she doesn't go outside, another introvert thingy.

"May I ask why is there heart in between our names?" I say, not understanding what's happening in her little mind.

Before Anna could respond to my question with a shitty excuse, Caleb interruptes us saying, "Hey Tori and Kage." His greetings startles all three of us, Kage, Me and Anna. I immediately grab Anna's arm and pull her ear to my face and say, "Did you tell him about Kage? You're dead"

Before Anna could answer, Caleb says, "Everything alright girls? Kage means shadow, I was greeting Anna's shadow. Turns out, I didn't learn anything in Japanese class last year but did learn a few things yesterday." And he winks at Anna, while taking the booklet from my hands and says, "Good work. I like the heart. I'll submit it to Ms. Monica."

As soon as Caleb leaves I turn to face Anna whose turned red as a tomato. Before I could say anything she says, "He liked the heart..." With an innocent smile on her face.

"He likes Anna. That's my proof." Kage whispers in my ear.
"I thought you liked Anna" I whisper back.
"Who likes me?" Anna whispers.

And our session of 'who likes who' ends as Ms. Monica enters the class and everyone goes back to studying.


Anna and Joana are sitting across from me on the table as I and Anna give Joana briefings on Eco project during lunch.

That's when Caleb drops his lunch tray on our table, exactly beside me where Kage is sitting with his book.
As soon as Caleb starts to sit on the lunch table bench, Kage slides a bit to the left side saying, "Hey hey hey, I'm sitting man! Respect dude!" Caleb stops his movement as if something startled him, and stands up straight saying, "I'm sorry, is someone sitting here?"

Joana comes to our rescue and offers him to sit as the seat is empty. Kage stands up with his book and moves to my right. Now I'm sitting in the middle of Caleb and Kage, making an invisible sandwich.

All four, sorry five of us, including Kage are talking and having fun when suddenly Caleb cuts his hand with the corner of the table and I hear 'Ouch' from both sides of the bench. I turn to my right in shock and see Kage's hands are bleeding from exactly where Caleb's are, "You're bleeding blood..." I say to Kage who is paralyzed to his seat, looking at his bleeding hands.

What do you guys think is the connection between Kage and Caleb?

To be continued...

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