Chapter One

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Chapter One
Y/N's Revival

~ Kurumi P.O.V ~


Y/N-kun was rushed into hospital after the events of the night before. It was written on the news as a major weather drop and thunderstorm. Pathetic, how could they believe such a stupid lie?

I held onto Y/N's hand tightly. I saw little Shido looking at me. I wonder what he's thinking right now. Haha, I don't need him as long as I have Y/N.

"Miss Tokisaki, Mr Itsuka. It's time for you to take your leaves, Y/N needs rest."

I heard my name echo from behind me. I twirled around and smiled. "Yes, I'm aware I should take my leave. Let's go Shido-san, shall we?" I grinned, clutching onto Shido's arm as we left the room.

"Kurumi...why are you--?"

I shushed him as we left the room. He jerked out of my grip as he glared at me. I responded with a slight grin and I tilted my head.

"Why are you being so casual...after everything that happened. Why did you do that?!" He shrieked.

I placed my index finger over his mouth and giggled. "Well Shido, you're as curious as ever, aren't you?" I took my finger off his mouth, licking it as he stared.

Shido is something else. Too human for his own good, too kind. He's vulnerable and weak. He is manipulated easily. But it isn't my place to complain, it makes it easier to get him out of my way. It's all for Y/N.

Shido remained silent.

"That's what I like, Shido-san," I warmly smiled.

We left the hospital and Shido hasn't said a word in a long time. Oops, I may have jinxed myself.

"Why are you visiting Y/N?" Shido asked accusingly.

"Have you ever heard the saying of 'curiosity killed the cat'? I'm sure your cat would be long dead by now." I giggled. He looked confused, lost in thought. It's just so amusing to see how confused Shido-san is. He's oblivious to the world. It's hilarious but amusing.

"That's besides the point." He frowned.

"Oh, then what is the point?" I arched a brow before placing my hands behind my back. I continued. "It isn't your place to butt into my business, that includes Y/N's too." I implied. "But what's so bad about what I did?"

"Everything." He stated. "Using Y/N, destroying him, almost killing him. He did nothing to you so why are you hurting him?" He furrowed his brows. "If you want something out of him, I'm sure I could give you that something."

I burst out of laughter before wiping a tear. "Stupid Shido-san..." I muttered under my breath. "That's very nice of you."

He looked at me worried. "Is that a yes?"

"However..." I quickly said, pinning his hopes down. "Nothing you have could ever fill the gap that I need out of Y/N-kun. He is the core of my plan. Without him, everything would go to waste."

He stared at me for a moment before I quickly placed my hand over my mouth. "Oops! I may have spilled a bit too much information to you," I giggled. "I hope you don't take it to heart, my dear Shido."

"But Kurumi, why? What is this plan? Why do you need to sacrifice Y/N just for-"

"Oh Shido, you don't understand." I interrupted him. "It's needed for the world to become a better place."

"How?!" He gaped. "That's ridiculous! I'm sure there's another way. Killing doesn't solve anything. You should know that."

"There you go again," I furrowed my brows. "Too much kindness isn't good for you."

I didn't want to hear another word from Shido.

So I left through my shadow.


~Shido P.O.V ~

Kurumi disappeared into the shadows. I was taken aback by her unusual words. She said some strange things back there. Kotori should know this.

When I returned to Fraxinus, I saw Kotori sucking on her lollipop before she spun around to me.

"Look who's back," she looked at me for a moment as if she had to think of what to say. "How's Y/N?" Kotori smiled.

"Kurumi was there too," I said stirring the topic away from Y/N. "Kurumi has stated that Y/N is the core of her plan. What is her plan anyway?"

Kotori raised a brow before pulling her lollipop out of her mouth. "Strange, any ideas Reine?" She turned to Reine who shook her head.

"Kurumi has been a spirit whose intentions are...unknown," Reine clarified. "She isn't easy to fish information out of."

"How did you get this information, Shido?" Kotori asked.

I shrugged. "Kurumi said it herself," I replied, "she told me to not take it to heart."

"Strange, let's hope this information is true. We can use it to our advantage."

~ Y/N P.O.V ~

I scratched my head. I was in a place I could not recognize, though familiar.

"What is this place?" I muttered to myself. I turned around, only to be welcomed by a frightening smile.

"Guh!" I shrieked.

"Why hello, Male Spirit."

I gaped, I pinched myself to see if I was dreaming. But that was not the case.

"Stupid, this is the afterlife. You cannot escape this harsh world."

"Reincarnation is your only option."



Sorry about how short this chapter is. I'll try make the other chapters longer since this book will have less chapters.

See ya around!

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