Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

~ Y/N P.O.V ~


I woke up as I quickly looked down at the bed. I touched myself as I sighed in relief.

"That dream..." I thought.

"It was so realistic!" I said aloud.

I didn't say anything more. I looked at the clock. It was only 7am and a Sunday.

Strange, I could've sworn that something felt off today. It's as if I'm missing something. I was about to stand up before I saw a nurse.

I didn't notice it before but I was in a hospital.

"Wait, what am I doing at a hospital?!" I unintentionally yelled. I covered my mouth almost immediately.

The nurse came rushing to me and held my chest.

"Don't worry Y/N, everything is alright. There was a huge weather drop and it appeared to have hit your house and the house you were in, Tokisaki Kurumi's house." She explained. "You got knocked out unconscious and have been here for a little while."

"What?!" I looked at her, shocked.

"Yes, you need rest. You had a concussion from a roof falling on your head."

"Wait!" I intervened. "What about my family? Are they okay?! Is Miza okay?! Moreover..."

"Kurumi! Is Kurumi okay?!"

The nurse remained in silence before coming with a full response. "They are all just fine," she lowered her voice.

I sighed in relief.

"Your parents though...they're a different story..."

I perked up at the mention of my parents. My hands shaking before I let out a yell.


~ Shido P.O.V ~

"Kotori...was it really okay to tell Y/N about his parents?" I asked.

Kotori turned to me and took her lollipop out of her mouth.

"Shido, Y/N's parents already agreed to our plan." Kotori sighed. "Plus, Y/N is supposed to be dead. They want to know why he isn't."

"Parents aren't like that Kotori. You know that..."

Kotori tilted her head. "Y/N's parents are different. Do you want to know the story? It's not like they even gave birth to Y/N in the first place."

"Still. What makes that okay?! We're just like Kurumi if we do this..." I frowned. "We can't just lie to him and tell him they're dead!"

Out of nowhere, Kotori quickly grabbed onto my collar. I let out a small shriek before lowering my voice back down.

"Shido, we need to find out Kurumi's goal. As far as we know, Y/N is the core of her plan. If we can track her activities using Y/N, we could figure out a way to seal her." She said. "That's what you want, isn't it?"

"Not like this..." I responded. "We can't toy with his feelings like that. We need to find an alternative Kotori. It's best that way-"

"It's already been done Shido." Kotori interrupted. "On the brightside, it makes it easier for us. His mom is a member of DEM. It's dangerous for her to be around while he's with Kurumi. She may report it to DEM industries."

"His mom is what-?!"

"Tch," Kotori let go off me. I stumbled and stepped back.

"But his mom has seen Kurumi many times! Why is this time different?"

[2] Date a Live: Strolling Through Secrets (Kurumi Tokisaki x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now