Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten
The Manga Artist

~ Shido P.O.V ~

Authors Note: I forgot to say, this is after the Tobiichi Devil volume. It was just recently adapted into the anime (Date a Live 3) so if you haven't seen the new season yet then please don't read on.
As another disclaimer, I am not following the actual events from the Light Novel/Anime/Manga so everything happening is just my story. Natsumi is sealed and Origami too. Everything is going from the pace of my own story.

You can watch Date a Live 3 on

Please enjoy!


Guilt clouded me as I watched Y/N fall asleep almost immediately.

The doors slid open as Kotori walked into the room, lollipop in hand.

"Is he asleep?" Kotori asked, Kannazuki behind her. I nodded.

"Yeah" I told her, turning to Y/N. "He's unconscious."

Kotori smiled. "We'd better start on what we planned to do then," she mentioned. She popped the lollipop into her mouth.

I frowned. "Is that really the only solution?" I asked, hoping for an alternate solution.

We were planning to alter Y/N's memories of the recent events. Getting rid of his memories of Kurumi as a spirit. Kotori had a plan in mind on how we were going to make sure Kurumi wasn't going to interfere.

"It is, sadly" Kotori stated. "His spirit powers are out of hand and the only person who seems to know about it is Kurumi." Kotori said.

I listened to her as she continued to speak.

"Before we even try to fish out any information from Kurumi though, you should try to talk with her. Convince her to keep the whole idea of 'spirits' a secret."

I was quickly surprised by what she said. My eyes widened. "Wait, what?!"


"Yes Shido," she giggled. "Reine."

Reine walked into the room, her expression sleepy as usual.

"Kurumi?!" I sighed. "She can't be convinced, not by me at least."

"There's no other way. We need her to stop meddling into Y/N's life."

I looked at Kotori. I knew that wasn't going to happen. Kurumi had plans with Y/N. I knew it must've been something to do with her time travel. It was something huge.

"How can we do that?" I asked Kotori. "Kurumi has her own motives. I've seen her abilities myself, you remember too. I traveled in time using her spirit powers!"

It's clear that Kurumi has her own motives. That's why she won't let me seal her. It has to be something to do with her time travel bullet. Something to do with Y/N as we all know.

"I don't want to give up on Kurumi but she isn't going to be convinced the way she is now." I spoke again.

"I get that Shido" Kotori sighed. "It all makes sense. Kurumi is not only after you but she's also after Y/N."

Reine stepped in front, looking at both Kotori and I.

"You both have strong points. Especially you Shin," she directed to me. "However, we do need to make sure that Y/N is safe. By altering his memories, making his life seem ordinary again."

"Making a deal with Kurumi wouldn't be too difficult." Reine implied. "All we need is something of the same value as Y/N."

That made my eyes spark up. "Hold on a minute..."

"I just remembered something. An idea."

Kotori grinned. "Now that's the brother I know!" Kotori bit on her lollipop stick.

"What is this amazing idea?" Kotori asked, Reine nodding.

I nodded. "What we could do is that-"


Kotori's eyes widened before turning to Reine. "Reine!"

"A new spirit?!" I unintentionally yelled.

Reine nodded, running to the command room, Kotori following behind as I followed her.

We soon reached the command room, an image of a medium sized spacial quake appearing.

"How strange" Kotori muttered. "This spirit mana is different from all the others. I have never seen these patterns."

I was surprised at the sounds of that. "Does that mean..."

"No Shin" Reine spoke.

I looked at her with a glimmer of hope. "What do you mean?"

"This spirit was captured by DEM some time ago. It's a surprise that she has shown up here." Reine said.

"Please explain" Kotori turned to Reine. Reine nodded.

"She is similar to Miku in some way. She has a human identity and is known as a Manga artist."

"Souji Honjou"

"Souji Honjou?" one of the crew sparked up. "The famous Manga artist who had suddenly disappeared after having a fight with her editor?"

Reine nodded. "She has been missing for over a decade now. It would seem that she was captured by DEM but..."

"That doesn't matter" Kotori said. "As long as Shido's here, we can seal her. Can't we?"

I smiled, nodding as I turned to Reine.

Reine nodded too. "That is true. Shin can do it."

"Great!" Kotori beamed. "Now, shall we start?"

I grinned, pulling my fist up. I was getting hyped.

"Let's begin our date!"

~ Kurumi P.O.V ~

"What brings you here? Honjou-san?" I grinned, emerging from my shadow from the crater she had created.

"You always seem to know where to find me" Nia scoffed.

"My my, is that your way of saying hello?"

"I have business with this boy you all call Shido."

I raised a brow before twirling. "Ah, Shido-san you say?" I giggled. "He's an extremely kindhearted man who even wanted to save me once." I implied. "Are you up for talking to him? He might even sway the likes of you."

"Our motives are different, you stay out of my way." Nia frowned, her aggression clearly showing. "I don't trust you."

"Oh my! How rude" I sighed. "No matter, take care of yourself Honjou-san. I'll be on my way."

"Y/N is currently with the boy, in their little crew ship with Efreet."

I laughed at the sounds of that. I wasn't very surprised. "That is something I can deal with some other time. For the meanwhile, I shall spectate."

"Please leave now then. He is coming."


Authors Note

Thank you all for waiting for this new chapter!

From this point on, I'll probably be updating randomly. No real schedule. Except I will be attempting to update at least 2 times a month, maybe even 3 if my schedule allows it :/

If you follow me, I will be announcing any changes in schedule or updates. 

Also for the Light Novel readers, sorry that this is quite different to the actual series. I just thought it'd be a unique change :)

Thank you all for the love and support. Catch you later.

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