Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight
A Deal With Nightmare

~ Y/N P.O.V ~


I sat up. "Shido?" I spoke aloud, the boy coming up to me as he put his hand on my forehead.

"Thank God you're safe!" he said, completely ignoring me.

"W-What happened?" I asked him. "Is Kurumi okay?" I added.

Shido nodded. "I'll explain the details to you later but for now, you should rest."

I didn't know what to say. I was overwhelmed by all of this. Speaking of which, I was shot?

I looked down at my stomach. It was perfectly fine. Nothing but a lingering sensation of pain.

I tried relaxing myself as I fell back into the hospital bed. It was hard but I liked it. A weird feeling indeed.

~ A Few Hours Later ~
~ Dana L/N P.O.V ~

Hours passed since Nightmare attacked our facility. It was all but a blur. She wanted something from me, now I made a deal I cannot break.

"You don't seem to understand," Nightnare spoke. "Shoot me and all your information will be lost."

My hand was trembling, the finger was on the trigger. I was ready to kill the spirit who was deemed the worst spirit of all time.

But I couldn't

"I won't give you my daughter! " I cried. "Anything but Miza!"

"What about I add a little something to the deal?" Nightmare asked.

I frowned. This isn't going to get anywhere.

"Something including Y/N?"

My eyes sparked up. I couldn't believe what I heard. I spouted out the first words that came to my mind. "Y/N? You know that devil?"

"Your son?" Nightmare smiled. "Of course I do."

"Now will you cooperate with me, Dana L/N?"

"Now will you cooperate with me, Dana L/N?"

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"I-I," I stuttered. "Why do you ask me?" I said. "Even if you add my son to the deal, my daughter is staying right here!"

Nightmare smiled as she stepped away. "That's very nice of you, Dana. But I'm sure you want Y/N dead, don't you?"


"Don't get me started on this," laughed Kurumi. "Your real husband's dead because of Y/N."

My eyes widened. I quickly ran up to her and grabbed onto her neck. I gritted my teeth as I strangled her.

"Grudge?" A voice echoed. I stopped as I turned back, seeing another Nightmare.

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