Please Read!

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This whole thing is purely ranting. Personally, I would like it if you would all take your time to read this because this is something really important. However, if you really don't want to see all of the things I wrote here, you don't have to read it.


I'm not sure how I should start this off but just to get straight to the point:
I am going to discontinue this book.

I have been thinking about this recently but I've been quite hesitant about it. Mainly because I noticed that there are a few of you that actually enjoy my book. However, there are a few things that bug me about the other people who read my book. If you want my reasons, I'll give you a few of them. I will mainly be ranting though. And before anyone starts to spam my DMs and tell me that I'm "being too sensitive" or "salty" then don't even bother, I don't care about what you think, this is how I feel so just deal with it. This is too stressing to deal with and I have other things that I have to do with my life. So please, save yourself the trouble. I know that I'm sensitive and I won't deny it. Just keep your negativity to yourself please. For a few of my reasons, read on.

First of all, there are some certain people that are being very disrespectful and basically just complete bitches. And FYI, it's all directed to this certain book. They are messaging me rude comments about my story because of the "lack of romance, lemons and more in depth romance (basically things that aren't PG)"

Second: This is basically just a continuation of the first thing I wanted to say. Since my first few chapters of my sequel were released, a little bit before that, people were talking shit about me through DMs. Basically just pure hate. I know hate is normal and all but it's not the sort of hate like "Oh, you suck at writing stories. You should quit" "You can't write" and about me as an author.
No. It's all hate about this particular book. Just because I can't write a "decent lemon" or that my story makes no actual sense, doesn't mean you have to go waste all of your efforts to go tell me about it!

I'm not a professional writer, I don't know how to write lemons, I've never even read a lemon myself! I only put in lemons in because there were people who wanted me to write one. For those people, I attempted at writing one. Hence why it ended so short. After receiving comments in my first book about how ass my lemon was and how lemons are supposed to be inappropriate scenes, I was planning to write a notice about how I am not going to write any more lemons. Reason being that I don't find joy in writing such vulgar scenes. If you want lemons, go to fucking hentai heaven or something. You can get pure hentai scenes from there. Or whatever website you watch that stuff from.

Third: I am beginning to take school a lot more seriously than I did in the past. I just don't have enough time to think up some new ideas about this story, plan and publish. It's just too much on me. I have exams, competitions, homework, sports, music, art, friend drama and more things to worry about. My schedule is just too chaotic now, I can't keep up with everything I do. On top of that, I have been told that I need to drop a few things that I do, one of these things is writing on wattpad. It doesn't mean that I'll be gone forever, but for the meanwhile, I will be very inactive and won't be able to continue this book. I might return in a few years time depending on what happens in my life, but what I do know is that I won't be back any time soon.

I won't get into any more detail because I don't feel comfortable telling this to everyone. Especially knowing that some of the people who have been saying shit about me could be reading this right now. You know who you are, I can't tolerate it.

I know its unfair to some of you guys that actually want to see the story unfold but I really need to get myself together. I'm getting so stressed about competitions that I have to do, school and other things. Wattpad just adds unnecessary stress to it all and I'm just done with it.

If you want me to change my mind, DM me. See what you can do. I won't be checking DMs after this Friday so if you have anything to say, try say it before then. I might reconsider but it's not for certain. But my mind is already made up, I'm dropping this story.

Thank you for taking your time to read all of this. I appreciate it. Thanks for the support so far and I hope you have a good day.

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