Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

~ Y/N P.O.V ~



Kurumi looked at me. "Your sister Miza, she may be-"

"Hold it right there!" a voice yelled.

I was startled as I jumped.

There was a man standing before us, his eyes glued on Kurumi.

"Y/N L/N freeze!" said the man. He held a gun and pointed it to Kurumi.

I was speechless, caught in fear as I put my hands up. My shoulders shuddered as I stood still.

"Don't move!"

I quickly glanced at Kurumi who was holding her hands up.

"Kurumi Tokisaki is under the suspicion of murder."

~ Kurumi P.O.V ~

The man looked at me suspiciously as he grabbed something from his pocket, an ID card.

The card showed he was from Dem industries.

I sighed lightly. I was careless, he may have seen me murder that kid.

"Shu Takamiya was the boy you attempted to murder," the man said. "Am I right, Nightmare?"

I didn't look surprised. I just held my hands up.

He certainly has some guts if he's that willing to ruin my plan with Y/N.

"Excuse me sir," I spoke innocently. "I believe you have the wrong person as I did not murder such an innocent child."

He raised a brow. "Is that so?"

I nodded.

"Here's the boy," he said as he stepped aside, revealing the small boy I supposedly 'killed' earlier today.

Y/N was frozen in fear. His eyes darting to me and to the boy. He was definitely questioning me. But no matter, this will end the same way as it always does.

The man held the gun at my throat as I quickly grabbed the gun, putting it to my neck, the bullet so reachable I could just die now.


Everyone stared, some people left. Y/N was definitely surprised.

"Kurumi!" He yelled.

I had a small smile on my face. "The muzzle of a gun won't frighten me," I implied. "Kill me, kill an innocent girl. I dare you."

The man stopped, his hands shaking.

"Silly! It is her! Bring her to jail!" the child pleaded.

I gritted my teeth but hid it with my hand. There's only one thing to do.

I looked to the right, seeing my clone as I gave her the signal to pull the trigger of the musket to Y/N.

Afterwards, Y/N screamed as he fell to the ground, knocked out unconscious.

The man stopped before gripping his gun tightly, pulling the trigger as the gun shot missed me by a small distance.

"That's unlucky for you," I spoke. "How sad," I spouted.

I held my arm up, the space quake alarm going off. "If you leave now, I'll have second thoughts."

"No you won't!" A voice echoed.

[2] Date a Live: Strolling Through Secrets (Kurumi Tokisaki x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now