Chapter Four

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Chapter Four
Sakura Cafe

~ Kurumi P.O.V ~


The trigger was pulled. It didn't miss.

I smiled as I pulled my musket up to my mouth and blew off the smoke.


I heard a small creature making noise. As I expected.

I followed the noise, leading into a small room. It was covered in blood and dirt.

"I'm assuming this is that boy's room, kitty?" I asked the cat.

The small cat remained silent. It jumped up onto me as I held her in my arms.

However, I quickly turned the cat around to it's backside. I saw many scratches and wounds.

It was just purring in my arms.

"White...huh?" I mumbled softly to the cat. It's fur was touching my skin as my astral dress disappeared along with my gun. It was replaced with the Raizen High uniform. "A girl too," I added.

I patted her as she purred. She leaned against my arms as I continued fondling her.

"Shiro," I spoke. "It gives a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"

Shiro simply looked up at me, waiting for me to fondle her more. I chuckled.

"Alright then," I smiled.

I put her down as I walked back into the living room.

I stared at the boy for a moment before sighing. "Disgusting," I spat. "Why can't you be nice to animals and not abuse them for such stupid reasons?"

Suddenly, there were hissing noises. I slowly turned around, only to see Shiro looking mad.

I picked her up and patted her. "Don't worry, we won't be seeing him again."

I walked out of the house through the backdoor.

"Stop right there!"

I didn't move a single inch. I heard shouting from the other side of the house. Shiro looked up with me, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

I put my hand over her as I smiled. "Don't worry it's going to be alright."

I held my hand up, my clothes disappearing and my outfit becoming a black lolita dress.

Shiro jumped out of my hands, shivering before eventually running away.

I frowned.

This was the first time a cat had ever stuck with me for that long...

~ Y/N P.O.V ~

I had to admit, ever since I woke up Kurumi has been harder to read. It's strange.

"Um, excuse me sir but could you please drop me off at Sakura Cafe?"

The taxi driver looked at me through the rear view mirror. "Alright, that'd be another 360 yen."

"Thanks," I replied. "I'll pay you at the spot."

The driver nodded as he continued driving.

While I waited, I decided to look out the window.

It took another 20 minutes before I arrived. I thanked the driver as he drove off.

I sighed as I looked at my watch. Only 30 minutes had passed and I had nothing to do.

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