Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve
A Clone

~ Y/N P.O.V ~


Kurumi's warm hands took mine. It was almost like I forgot what my own cold hands felt like.

Everything in my head was so vague and surreal. Nothing felt real anymore. It all just felt like a dream.

"Kurumi..." I spoke, lowering my head as we came to an abrupt stop.

Kurumi tilted her head in confusion. "What's wrong, Y/N-kun?"

"I just..." I couldn't really say anything.

"I just don't feel like this is right!" I quickly blurted out, covering my own mouth out of embarrassment. I blocked my view of Kurumi.

Before I knew it, I felt my body warming up. Kurumi was hugging me.

"K-Kurumi" I spoke.

"Don't worry Y/N-kun" she almost whispered into my ear. "I know you must be feeling confused and scared."

I nodded along with her words.

"But don't worry. Just enjoy our time together, 'kay?" She grinned, putting her finger on my lips as she let go of me. I took a deep breath before smiling.

"Thanks..." I blushed.

Kurumi giggled. "No problem, Y/N-kun."

I scratched my chin a little bit before laughing along with her. It felt like forever since I could let loose. I was glad that Kurumi was here.

"So, seeing as I was the one who spoke up..." Kurumi trailed, looking at me directly in the eyes.

" Kurumi trailed, looking at me directly in the eyes

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"Where shall we go?"

My face reddened and at that point I knew, I was blushing a tomato red color.

"Um..." I thought aloud. "The aquarium?" I asked.

Kurumi just nodded, still smiling. "Shall we?" she put her two hands on mine, pulling me along with her.

"Ehehe..." I nervously laughed, walking along to the Tenguu City Aquarium.

Upon arriving, Kurumi appeared to be a lot more silent than usual. Her head lowered and her facial expression was different, sad.

"Kurumi?" I looked at her, she turned around to face me. "Are you okay?"

"Ah!" she gasped before giggling again. "My deepest apologies Y/N-kun. I was only just thinking to myself."

~ Kurumi P.O.V ~

"Oh really now?" Y/N asked. I nodded, feeling guilty.

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